Still Waiting on My Album (rant)

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2/2/19: not edited sorry for mistakes

Y'all I'm >:( right now. I've been waiting over 3 weeks for my friend to give me my album. I haven't asked her about it recently cause I don't wanna sound ungrateful, but wth??? How could it take this long for my album to come?

Honestly, I'm real upset. I bought a James hoodie last week and it's arriving by Monday. I don't even know how far away his facility is, but Choice Music is in LA. I could've driven, all be it a long one, to the store and picked up my album in person and it'd still take less time than it has now. Could've bought 3 hoodies and had them arrive in the time it's taking this album.

Idk, should I be mad at Choice? RBW? USPS? My friend?

I just want my hoodie to lounge in even if it's way too big like it was either 2XL or small and we ain't fitting in a small.

Wish me luck.

(LOLOL I tried to type about maybe rewatching ep. 14 of LBC cause TumTar makes me wanna cry and then Wattpad deleted half this chapter after I wrote sorry. Guess Wattpad is a KlaNo stan smh. Only true LBCers will get that joke).

Hope y'all have gotten your albums already. Did y'all like them?

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