We/Us as Things My Cats Do

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RV: playing with laser pointer, 5sec later, this is fun but how about we try the dot just coming to me?
SH: whacks/bites dog's tail
LD: jumps in the bathtub only after it's been emptied, it's cause the light dampness on the paw is relaxing
KH: kicks the other cat off the table, eats the other cat's food
HW: meows loudly, drops stuffed animal at my feet, walks away
XN: I will lay here on your lap and you aren't allowed to move until I do and while you're here pet me

YH: hears a noise and runs fast
HR: licks your chin then bites it
KH: stops, sneezes, walks away, sneezes again
DM: lays on side and expects cuddles/tummy rubs
CY: stares at you from the litter box while you're tryna use the toilet

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