Hwanwoong Stripper AU???

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Haha rip this fic idea sorry

Ok so here's the thing: ever since that "Gotta Go" dance cover Hwanwoong did, all I can think about is a stripper AU.

Youngjo x Hwanwoong. Youngjo is an office worker and Hwanwoong's a stripper at a classy strip club/lounge thing. That's all I'll say for now but I have more planned ;).

Tbh I kinda wanna write it but at the same time, idk how to finish good chaptered works (sorry about Valkyrie :| ). Also, I feel like my audience is 1) too small and 2) too young. Like most y'all teens. Idk probs wouldn't be 18+, more 16+, cause I'm not comfortable writing overly sexual stuffs.

Eek idk how to write it too, cause I've never been to a strip club. Uhh, how do I describe sexy dancing Hwanwoong? Can you even describe that? Idk. Use your imagination ig.

Probs will just sit in my AU list with a few details and zero (0) actual content and writing.

Sorry but maybe when there's more fans/readers¿ xoxo.

UPDATE: I slyly (read: randomly) told my friend that I wanted to write a Hwanwoong stripper AU and Youngjo just wants to get hecka wasted she went "WHAT?!?!" and maybe I cackled.

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