EEK My Friend

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Y'all story time.

So y'all know how I want oneus to win the rookie award? And how txt is in their way? Welp...

I have I friend who literally is that. She stans txt and has a bias all cause she's an army. Worse, she's always bugging me about their new stuff like "did you see the new pics? the trailer?" and she expects me to know everything when I don't stan them.

But here's the real story: when I said I wanted oneus to win the rookie award, she laughed. LAUGHED. Like how rude is that? Look, I know txt's gonna win and you're biased, but you should at least act like you support me. I'm trying to be hopeful, but you just shot me down.

Trying to get my friends into oneus is really a lost cause :((.

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