How to Copy Photocards

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I finally got to copying my pc's to put in my phone case, so I thought I'd make a quick guide. Maybe I'll make one for custom pc's when I have time to make some custom Dongmyeong ones?

Also, while I was putting my Youngjo one in, I accidentally stabbed it so haha. I can always make another, and I'll probs switch it out for a Dongmyeong one when I get to it (that'll be a while though :p).

•original/official pc's
•standard paper
•card-stock or another thick paper
•glue, tape or adhesive
•scissors or a cutting board (cuts straight lines)

1) select what cards you'd like to copy
2) place the cards in the copier (you can put as many or as little as you'd like as long as it fits)
3) follow printer's instructions on copying
4) staple the card-stock and copied paper (uncut) together making sure the staple doesn't obscure any images and the two papers are lined up
5) glue the paper to the card-stock
6) cut the cards out

•I used a cutting board and adhesive roller (like white out but tape) to ensure a clean look
•obviously this won't be as good as the originals, but it's good to do if you want to use them in a way that may risk them getting damaged (ex: in phone case)

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