My Shadow as Dongmyeong?

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This pic looks horrible cause I made my friend take it and she was standing at an angle but... (I also didn't tell her why lol)

Fun story: I looked at my shadow and was shook at how much I looked like Dongmyeong. Like I had flashbacks to this exact outfit and video (linked). He was so cute here, I felt cute too wow.

But yeah: the narrow shoulders, oversized hoodie, and the bowl cut. I think this is it chief. I had the hood up too of my James hoodie (not sponsored but I would) cause it was FREAKING COLD OUT. Although, Dongmyeong looks way cuter than me.

Anwyay, this was kinda stupid but I just thought I'd share it. Stan we/us, stan me: your fav kpoppie boy wannabe :)).

UPDATE: y'all if my eyelashes were as pretty as Dongmyeong's I'd cry. If I was half as pretty as Dongmyeong I'd actually cry. He's so pretty, I'm full of <3 for him.

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