Look @ Leedo (+tangent)

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Dude that's some visuals right there like está allí. LOLOL sorry for Spanglish, I'm tryna study/practice randomly.

Anyway, Geonhak = beauty PERIOD(.)

PS: Sorry for no quality content today, instead I posted a few short chapters. I hope those are sufficient until I have time to write quality stuffs over the weekend.

Rants (tangents?) that aren't we/us related:

Also, I'm hecka stressed for reasons beyond my control (kinda?) and idk my self-esteem dropped and idk anymore (time to listen to "Pleasedontsuicide" to remind myself everything's gonna be alright).

Feeling incomplete? That's me everyday.

In other news, I ran into my friend who got switched out of my classes today, so I haven't seen him in a while. I was walking to a class with another friend and we both saw this guy walking towards us and looking in our direction and at first we were both really confused, but then I noticed his sweater and I was like "OMG WAIT THATS *" (names are bleeped for privacy). So I stopped to talk to him, he had gotten a haircut and he looks a lot different than he used to. He used to have an Asian bowl-ish haircut like mine but better and a little longer. Now, it's shorter and faded. He looks really good, I like it a lot. A lot more put-together cause it's low-maintenance and he used to rarely style his hair.

Anyway, I was like awkwardly gesturing at my head saying "you got a haircut" cause he's not comfortable being touched (I'm normally a touchy person btw and would've just touched his head but I also respect people's boundaries). Today's question: how to tell someone they look good without making it sound like you have a crush on them/want a relationship? Cause he looked good, but I don't want a relationship. Can I just compliment him without it sounding weird? Idk. I just said it looks nice and I like it a lot. That good enough? Idk. Do I sound stupid overcomplicating everything and ranting on Wattpad where peeps probs don't read past the we/us stuffs? Probably.

But to * if you ever read this (doubt you'll find me ;p), good haircut wow.

Wish I could relate, but I go to Supercuts not a Korean place. I don't want the ladies dissing me in Korean :(. Yes, ** I can hear you saying "go to concerto or ktown" sorry I'm lazy and that's too far.

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