Missing Dongmyeomg Hours: OPEN

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unedited sorry I was lazy | also I wrote this on 2/14 cause valentines day

Fun fact: I've been really upset cause no one is realizing that I just want someone to hold my hand and cuddle with :((.

I'm a very touchy person, contrary to belief, and most of my friends aren't. They're more introverted and uncomfortable with me being too touchy. I try to limit it to certain people I know are comfortable with it. So far: I only have 2; I can freely hug & hold 2. There's 1 I've held hands with, but that was cause he was cold. I only have 1 ice held hands with and walked and she didn't care. (Note: I'm not in a relationship with any of these people and I don't think you need to be in order to show platonic affection).

I have a warm body, so my friends normally huddle near me or hold my arm when they're cold. I'm like a walking heater.

Anyway, I just wanted someone to hold my hand during Valentine's Day cause it was cold and I just want my hand to be held :((. But no one realizes and I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable by asking. My 2 friends I normally cuddle with were gone so I was sad and alone.

Guess I'll be lonely and sad always.

Anyway, this pic is me complaining to my friend. She like doesn't get it either, but it's FiNe ig.

So today's just been a day full of me missing Dongmyeong and wishing he was here to hold my hand and cuddle with me but also crying over his visual, dance, and vocal talent. He's really an all-kill who could've debuted in an idol group but instead wanted to be in a band with his besties. We love.

Dear world, please tell my friends I want my hand to be held and for them to initiate beforehand so I know they're ok with me being touchy otherwise I'll just be sad.

Otherwise, please send Dongmyeong to me so we can hold hands.

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