Chapter 4

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Alex was hungry, he was worried as he couldn't find his camp, he wanted to find some honey and dip it in some strawberries. "Yeah, finding honey is going to be so easy." He said to himself, 30 minutes passed and noticed something yellow on a wall, he walked towards it and there it was, sweet honey, although it was surrounded with bees.

"Ugh, of course" he muttered, there was no way he was going to get that honey without being stung. A distraction perhaps? Maybe they could get scared away, he thought although that would just bring more bees and attack him, when suddenly, he heard a growl, not just any growl, a bear growl. Alex was worried, terrified and hid somewhere. Moments passed, he couldn't see a bear so he went to investigate, as he looked over the leaves he DID see a bear, although it didn't look terrifying, Alex noticed he looked hungry, perhaps he wanted honey too?

He quickly scaled the wall and broke of some pieces of honey, he fell back down but he didn't worry, he grabbed the honey and ran back to the bear, which seemed awfully familiar to Alex, and that's when he realised it was a sloth bear. He fed some honey to the bear, "What shall we call you eh?" He wondered, until he said "Buduu. I'll call you Buduu" They started walking forward, an hour passed, Buduu noticed a bridge and so did Alex. Buduu went first, Alex was behind him. Buduu managed to get to the other side, When suddenly, the bridge broke, Alex was still on the bridge! He grabbed onto a wooden plank "Oh shoot, this is not good!" He looked down and saw half of the bridge fall down into the river below, "Why did I look down, Why did I look down?!" Alex used all his strength to climb up. The remaining part of the bridge shook, Alex quickly climbed and jumped onto land, seconds later the bridge fell. "Wow, that was a close one..!" Alex breathed and sat down, "let's just take a break" he said.

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