Chapter 9

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Alex: Here's some food Buduu, must be quite hungry eh?

Michael: Hmm, I wonder where that helicopter came from..

Alex: Well, what we do know is that it had some sort of beast secured.

Michael: Yeah well that beast is dead, let's not think about it too much.

Alex: Yeah, I mean we probably can't get that helicopter to come back..

Michael: Hmm, Alex, mind getting some supplies?

Alex: Yeah, sure just look after Buduu for me.

Michael: Thanks.

Alex felt cold outside, but that didn't bother him from thinking why this is all happening, why us? Who would do this? He took a moment to think about it before looking for the basic things, at least that's what he liked to call sticks, leaves and stones that.

Alex: I'm back, and I've got some 'basic' supplies.

Buduu looked happy and continued to chow down on his meal.

Michael: Alright, thanks, yeah that should be enough.

Michael: It would be nice to get some other supplies though.

Alex: Hmm, could we do an expedition tommorow?

Michael: Yeah we probably will.

Alex: I'm gonna go outside and look around.

Alex went outside and felt a cold breeze hit him in the face. Then he felt dizzy. And then fell on the ground.

He was in another flashback..

"Hey Alex! How are you?" Alex's mate exclaimed.

"Oh hey! I'm alright, you?" Alex shouted back.

"You goin to the party?"

"Yep, should be fun" Alex said excited.

"Anyway, remember that attack? With the beasts and stuff, it was crazy!"

"Yeah, just glad it's over. Alright we're here! Alex said.

Alex and his friend knocked and were immediately welcomed.

"Oh hey chl-"

The flashback ended.

Alex got to his senses and stood up.

Alex: Argh, damnit, must have been another flashback. Felt real.

Michael opened the door and looked at Alex.

Michael: You alright?

Alex: Uhh, had another flashback, I should be fine.

Michael: Hmm, you sure?

Alex: Yeah, I'll be fine.

Michael helped Alex up and went back inside.

Alex: What are you making?

Michael: Spears, also sharpening my knife in the process.

Alex: Mind if I help?

Michael: Sure, here sharpen this spear for me.

Alex grabbed the knife and started sharpening, just like his dad teached him before

Michael: Thanks, give me some of that rope.. okay it's done.

Alex: Your a pro at this!

Michael: Thanks, surprised you knew how to sharpen that spear well.

Alex: Yeah, my dad told me how to sharpen things.

Michael: Alright, I've got another job for you, it'll be a bit hard, think you can catch some fish?

Alex: Yeah, I'll try.

Alex took the makeshift bucket and spear and walked out to the nearby river that Michael told him about.

Alex: Okay, sounds easy but seems hard.

Alex noticed a fish swim by and charged his spear at it. To his suprise he caught it, and filled up the makeshift bucket with 3 fish.

Alex: I wonder if I could catch another fish, hmm.. nope.

He walked back to the cabin and handed over the makeshift bucket to Michael. Michael then put the fish onto the campfire to cook.

Alex: Been quite a while since I ate a proper meal.

The fish finally cooked and Buduu sneakily grabbed one.

Alex: Hey! You sneaky bear.

Michael and Alex laughed and Buduu just gave a innocent look.

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