Chapter 10 - *A.R*

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Leaving the gym I was in such a haste. My hair was messily up and I had no makeup on my face, I honestly looked gross. I couldn't wait to jump into the shower and get into my pyjamas. I had a long night ahead, I was researching the US emigration laws and was going to put them into a proposal.

River had been away from the office all day which totally sucked, I loved having him around however I did have Barbara and she is always good for a laugh. At lunch she brought sushi and soda and we ended up having a good old gossip. Considering she has been working at the embassy since she was 21, she has so many good stories. 

I got out the car and proceeded into the lobby. It was raining outside so I ran quickly to avoid getting even wetter. Tom had really worked me hard today and surprisingly I wasn't aching too much. 

“L.P I’m home” I shouted as I walked through the front door.

I sounded like I was calling my wife, ‘honey i’m home’. Walking through the front door, I chucked my keys in the bowel on the side and hung my rain jacket on the radiator. My gym shorts were starting to irritate me so I couldn't wait to get them off. I was only wearing the shorts, trainers and my sports bra. 

“Alyce” A voice said I recycled my water bottle.

That voice did not belong to L.P. It belonged to someone else.

“Luke?” I uttered as I walked into the leaving room.

Honestly I was completely shocked. At first I didn’t know whether I was just hearing things because I won’t lie, I often think I hear him speaking. It sounds totally demented, but last week when I was working out Tom said he would pay for coffee afterwards and I could have sworn it was Luke. Weird huh?

“Wow” He gushed as I entered the living room. 

Yes, thanks Luke. I know I look like a tramp but still. He was sat there in grey tracksuit bottoms and a black t-shirt. His hair was flat. Oh my word, Luke was here. How did that only just click. I was looking at Luke Hemmings. 

“What are you doing here?” I smiled as I walked over to hug him. 

He got up and pulled me into a huge hug. I tried to wiggle out, telling him I was sweaty and gross but he wouldn't listen. Luke was incredibly warm and I was freezing right now. 

“I needed to see you” He broke holding my hand. 

Jesus. I needed a moment to process this. He needed to see me? I excused myself while I went to go and get a shower, but before I did I made him a cup of tea. I could tell that L.P hadn't been the best host, but then again she was probably asleep. 

My thoughts were clouded as I got into the shower, usually my mind would become clear as soon as the water pulsated down my body but today it didn’t. I had to take this situation as it unfolded. Here was this boy, an incredible boy who had travelled god knows how many miles to see me, a girl who hasn't exactly been the best to him. Was this an eye opener? 

Once out of the shower, I changed into a Bruno Mars tour t-shirt and my favourite flannel pyjama bottoms. My penthouse was warming up nicely but I still grabbed a zip up to keep me warm. On my feet I wore some huge crocodile feet slippers. 

I walked back into the living room where Luke was watching TV, but I could tell his was falling asleep. As soon as he saw me he perked up and sat up my promptly. Not wanting to give him any false hope, I sat on the opposite sofa. 

“We need to talk Lukey-er-Luke” I said looking directly at his baby blues. 

His face frowned as I mentioned the words ‘we need to talk’. But we did, it was long overdue, I’m sure he had questions and I had things to tell him too. 

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