Chapter 12 - *A.R*

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Today was going to be really good, I was looking after my two little brothers while my mum was at work. They had arrived last night while I was at work but Luke and L.P were on hand to get them ready for bed. 

“What are you going to do with them today then?” L.P asked as I made breakfast.

I had promised my two little brothers that I would make them pancakes for their breakfast but I had forgotten how hard it was to feed Luke Hemmings too. I couldn't not make him breakfast. L.P was due to head to work in about twenty minutes so from then on it would just be me and Luke with the boys. 

L.P was right, I had no idea what I was going to do with them. They were only six so all the things I found interesting or fun they wouldn’t. Jai and Monty were sat on the sofa watching cartoons and having been up since 6:30 I was already getting tired. 

“Well, I was thinking we could go to M&M world? I mean if I was their age thats something I would want to do? And besides I really want to go!” Luke suggested emerging from the living room looking incredibly tired. 

Jai had ran into our room really early when he got up. I did not envy my mum in anyway for raising us and holding her job at St Bartholomew’s hospital. Luke had a good point, M&M would be fun and Leicester Square had some amazing attractions.

I got the pancakes out of the frying pan and flipped them onto the plate. They smelt so good. I called my brothers and they ran into the kitchen in their pyjamas and sat up at the breakfast bar. L.P had since gone to work so Luke sat by Jai and I sat by Monty. 

“These are good Ce-Ce” Jai smiled as he ate his last pancake.

Both of my little brothers had called me Ce-Ce since they could talk. It was because when they were younger they couldn't say Alyce and since then it had kind of stuck. Luke looked at my really confused so I has to explain. 

After breakfast, I took Monty and Luke took Jai to get  showered and ready for the day before plonking them down in front of the TV so that we could get ready too. Luke had dressed Jai, so it was no surprise that he came out wearing black jeans a Ramones shirt. Monty on the other hand had a preppy look going on. It had been a long time since I had looked after my brothers so this was weird for me. 

I jumped into the shower and quickly washed myself before getting dressed into skinny Balmain jeans and a black vest shirt and a leather jacket. I chose my Louboutin heels to wear with this outfit. As soon as I was ready I applied my usual makeup and rough dried my hair before going into the living room only to find Monty laying across Luke’s lap. How did he finish getting ready before me?

“We ready to go then?” I asked turning the TV off. Both of the boys cheered and grabbed their coats from the end of the sofa.

Luke gradually stood up and I had forgotten how tall he was and compared to my brothers he was a giant! He stumbled a little as he approached the front door; putting his jacket on as he came. My little brothers cheered all the way down in the elevator, only stopping when Luke and I strapped them into their booster seat. 

As Luke got into the car I asked my brothers asked for the radio to be put on. Happily I turned the radio to capital. Since being in London my music taste had become so much more mainstream however I was really into it. I knew Luke was going to hate the Cheryl Cole songs blasting from the Range Rover’s sound system. 

“The embassy really set you up didn’t they” Luke chuckled buckling himself in. 

The drive to Leicster Square wasn't too long thankfully. I could tell that Luke was bursting with excitement, the thought of a shop of sweets was clearly to much for him but it was adorable and I really appreciated him helping me out with my brothers. 

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