Chapter 33 Part 1 - * A.I*

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In my hands was Five Seconds of Summer’s first album. It had gone straight to number one on the UK charts and our twitters were going out of control. The boys and I had somewhat of a fan following and it reached across the globe. Daily I would receive tweets asking when we would be releasing our music in countries I didnt even know existed. This was mad. 

Since the end of November the lads and I had been seriously busy with our music and only briefly stopped to celebrate Christmas. The plans were to go to Alyce’s mums house for Christmas dinner, but at the last minute she decided that she needed to go out of the country. She ended up spending it with Lorde in Sydney. It was a weird combination, I didn’t even know they were still in contact. 

“I just got a message from Martin, our tour is sold out lads. UK and US! Boys, we have made it!” Calum said reading a message from his phone before disappearing out of the room. 

Today we were doing a promo with Nick Grimshaw on BBC Radio One. He interviewed the hottest acts every day from One Direction to Ed Sheeran to The Madden Brothers. He had one of the coolest jobs ever. 

I couldn't help but scream inside. This was everything I had ever wanted. All those band rehearsals were finally paying off, we were making it in the music industry. Despite all of this exciting band news, the lads and I were hardly speaking. If it wasn't about the band, we didn’t talk. Luke didn’t have one nice thing to say about Calum, I couldn't stand Luke and Calum wanted to kill me. Michael was the only one who would talk to us, but not at the same time of course. However he was infrequently around now. Ever since Mikey and I took Alyce to the hospital after mine and her’s amazing date he had been taking any opportunity to visit Aurora. She was the junior intern at The Royal Chelsea Hospital. I wasn’t sure whether it was anything serious or whether she was a rebound from L.P. Never the less, he was happy. 

Once we were dressed and ready to go, we all bundled into the black SUV that was taking us to the radio studio. The car journey was slightly awkward, but I managed to survive thanks to Alyce. She had on and off been texting me, nothing flirty or suggestive but at least we were talking. All of me wanted to rub it in the other two boys faces but that would mean talking to them. One might comment that what’s the point of being in a band with people you don't like, well the answer to that is, we make good music, we sound good together and why would we ruin something good. We only need to do this band thing for a year or two, then we can all branch out and go solo. It won’t matter for me because I plan on being married to Alyce in two years.

Nick announced on air that we were in the studio as we sat down. Unfortunately I was sat next to Luke, but as a band we had made a pact that we would not let personal issues affect the band or music. However all I wanted to do was punch his stupid face in. 

“Welcome Five Seconds of Summer to the Radio One Breakfast show. It is a huge honour to have you boys on the show today” Nick smiled

“Hey Nick” Michael smiled. 

Michael had now gone on to be the ‘band leader’ as to say, I wasn't particularly happy since I always thought I was in charge but I’d rather him than the other two. 

“So I am not going to waste any time, I’m going straight into the grilling questions…Amnesia, amazing song boys, Calum you are quite the lyricist” Nick chuckled congratulating us on our song. 

Amnesia was a good song, I hated that Calum wrote it about Alyce and had dedicated it to her, I wanted to dedicate a song on the album called ‘End Up Here’ but apparently management didnt think it was a good idea to have multiple songs dedicated to the same girl. 

“I had great inspiration Nick, a truly inspiring girl. We were having a deep conversation and she said ‘ I wish I could wake up with amnesia and forget everything’, obviously she said other things but the song just came to me. I should probably give her credit actually” Calum explained. 

He was right about one thing, Alyce was truly inspiring. She always had been. 

“Mate, the song is incredible so you should thank yourselves lucky that this girl is in your lives, if she keeps inspiring hits like Amnesia then you will be taking over the world. The 1D lads have already commented on how honoured they would be to write with you” Nick said. 

“We actually met Niall the other day, he is a top lad” Michael laughed breaking the tension between Calum and I. 

Since Hood mentioned Alyce I had been staring the shit out of him. He knew it too, which is why he further went on to talk about her. He knew that it was irritating me, especially as he was the last one to go on a date with her. 

“Niall is a cool dude. Right listeners, after last weeks number one; ‘We are Done - by The Madden Brothers, which was knocked off the top spot by Amnesia by today’s guests Five Seconds of Summer will be taking fan questions. So if you want Ashton, Calum, Luke or Michael to answer your question send it in to the Radio One Twitter account with the hashtag #5sosGrimmy” Nicks said speaking into his microphone before playing the song. 

He turned his and our microphones off and pushed he chair out so that he could properly see us. The first thing I really saw we the huge quiff of hair. It gave him at least an extra four inches of height. 

Water and biscuits was brought into the studio by one of the runners, our band manager had given strict instruction not to give us coffee because apparently it gives us negative vibes. We that and we get extremely hyper. 

“I can’t believe I am finally meeting you lads, I am such a fan” Nick enthused. 

I couldn't help but smile and feel so proud, a celebrity was a fan of ours? Of our band? Usually it was the other way around. 

“So, who is this lucky lady that inspires you Calum” Nick asked, winking at the boy. 

“She is absolutely gorgeous and smart and amazing. Alyce really is one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. We haven't had the easiest of relationships but it is on the up. In fact she plays a huge part in all of our lives” Calum smiled.

As if just on cue, I received a message from the girl. 

Just landed in London, tell the boys that I’m getting food in. Have some things to tell you all x” the text read.

Instead of telling the boys, I just forwarded them the message. Luke’s eyes lit up, where as Calum’s had a more angry look. 

“Can I get a hint of what you’re going to say?x” I replied

Within seconds, I had a response. 

‘Let’s just say, I have had a realisation x’

To Be Continued… 


I hope you all had an amazing christmas, or are still having a good one. Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I have been seriously busy and have just got back from New York City. 

If any of my readers live there, I am incredibly jealous!

Did anyone notice the tie in to Children of Divorce?! Aurora has been introduced. If you want to find out more about who Aurora is, make sure to check out My Michael spin off story called Children of Divorce 

I hope you like this chapter, part 2 up tomorrow ( if this part gets the hits)

Love ya'll all lots, but answer me this

Cal, Luke, or Ash?


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