Chapter 16 - *A.I*

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Chapter 1 of my new story Southbank is ya'll should all check it out! It's skater 5sos in England



“Everything will be okay” I smiled engulfing her into a huge hug. I wrapped my arms around her body and held her close. 

She mumbled something into my shoulder as we cuddled on her bed watching 21 Jump Street. Alyce had pulled the duvet up around our bodies as she couldn't be bothered to put a jumper on, instead the feather in the duvet and the warmth from our bodies kept us cosy. 

It hurt me to think that I knew she was upset about Luke storming out but I was not going to let that stop me from doing my best to woo her back into my arms permanently. I had history with Alyce and not all of it was bad either. 

“Where’s Cal” Alyce softly spoke grabbing a fist of my shirt playfully. 

I felt her fingers play with the shirt as they tenderly made contact with my skin underneath. I would be lying if I said her touch didn’t do something for me. 

“I dunno, out with L.P I think” I replied shrugging off the mention of the lad.

Alyce seemed content with my answer and snuggled further into the bed making sure her hands were still rested on my skin. This moment would be oh so perfect if Luke was not on her mind. 

Protectively I held my arm around her lower back as she lay on her side. I soothed her by drawing little circles on the small of her back and up and down her spine. Neither of us where really speaking but being in her presence was perfect enough. 

As 21 Jump Street came to end we lay still next to each other for a few moments and enjoyed each others company. Her blue eyes peered up to me as I stared at her lips. The temptation to press my lips against her lips was too much but I knew I couldn’t. That would be taking advantage of her when she was at a low point.

In the moment I had no idea on what I wanted, I knew I wanted her too be happy but the question that haunted me, was whether she was happy with me? I mean, Alyce was the one who made contact with me and she was the one that asked to cuddle but at the same time was I now the replacement for Luke. Before I always thought that she only liked Luke because I was not around but now I’m starting to think that maybe she does actually really like him. 

I’m not saying that I don't want to be with her, because I do, more than anything. I wish I could erase everything I had done and we could start over but I know I can’t. I just wished I had not listened to Calum when he suggested I meet Destiny. 

“Thanks Froggy” She whispered kissing my wrist gently.

It had been a while since I heard that name escape her lips, I had begun to think that she had forgotten it. However I did not in anyway deserve to be called a pet name when I put her through hell and back. 

“You’re always going to be my ducky, you know that?” I replied.

It was true. Alyce Ramos was ducky. She’d always be my first love and my first proper relationship and I was thankful to that. I was thankful that my first love was an amazing girl that I truly fell head over heels for. 

“No matter what?” She questioned turning to face me. 

I nodded as she placed her head on my chest. I rested my chin on the top of her head and ran my hand through her dark brown hair. 

“No matter what” I assured her. 

I felt her smile against my chest and it was a good feeling. Finally I think we were getting somewhere. I never expected our relationship to bounce back to where it was before everything happened but I was glad it was starting to reform. 

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