Chapter 17 - * M.C*

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Luke had sent me on errand run. He had written this list of everything I needed to pick up and the requirements. So far, I had had gotten white roses spray painted indigo and blue, Hotel Chocalaté gemstones and peach jelly beans. I have no idea why he had not gone to get them but he was in such a bad place that I did not mind doing it for him.

Strolling into the shop he had told me to meet him at, I walked to the fitting rooms and saw Luke standing in front of a mirror in a black suit. The jacket had a sort of tweed affect but was so light that it was not to out there.

"Do you like it?" He asked fiddling with the collars to make sure they sat on the white shirt he was wearing underneath correctly.

There was a girl stood next to him who was also fiddling with the suit and kept saying things to one of her colleagues. She was soon called away by someone else to tailor another suit. She was pretty.

"You look, what would Alyce say? Um dapper? Is that it?" I laughed thinking back to how she described River.

Luke seemed completely confused by my words which was not a surprised. So I just told him that he looked good. I think that was enough. He disappeared back into the fitting room and got changed into his regular clothes.The shop assistant came back into the fitting rooms with a pair of shiny black dress shoes. What was Luke doing?

I could tell I was getting funny looks carrying around these blue and indigo roses and I have to admit that I did feel slightly uncomfortable watching my best friend trying on suits while holding them. I hope people didn't think they were for him.

Once changed, Luke stepped out and handed the suit to the selling assistant who took him around to the till on the other side of the shop floor. Scanning both items and the shoes she put them into a bag for him. Luke looked extremely happy with his purchase, I'm guessing his mum had given him some money because there was no way he would have been able to pay for that.

Since he decided not to stay at Alyce's we had been staying at the Garden Hotel in Kensington, but Alyce had insisted that she pay for it. Over the last few days he had cheered up slightly but only because he knew he would be seeing Alyce at the fireworks tomorrow night.

As we left the shop, he took hold of the flowers too but left me with the jellybeans and chocolate. He swung the suit carrier in his hand as if it was a cuddly toy.

"What is this suit even for mate?" I asked as we got onto the underground.

We got onto the tube from Notting Hill Gate to Earls Court where our hotel was. I honestly don't know how Alyce can know the tube system off by heart! Literally you can ask her how to get to any station and she will know how!

"I have planned something for Alyce" He smiled.

He grinned such a cheesy grin as he thought of the girl. Alyce was in for such a treat tonight, I bet that was why I had been sent on these errands.

About ten minutes later we were at our stop, and he practically leaped off of the train. I could tell he was excited about his date with her and for his sake I hope it goes really well; after all I am rooting for them! Ashton and Alyce have been getting very close; I know that and I think she might have been doing stuff with Calum too, but I can't be sure. All I know is her and Ashton had been sharing a bed.

We walked the short walk from the station to the hotel and soon enough we were in our hotel room. I sprawled across my double bed as Luke unpacked his suit and hung it on the curtain rail. He unboxed his shoes and put them on. They looked really weird with his tracksuit shorts and white socks. Pacing across the room, he placed the flowers in a bowl of water so that they would stay healthy and put the chocolate and jelly beans into the fridge.

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