Chapter 20 - *A.I*

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Her breath was still hot on my cheeks, and her body positioned under mine as we both looked up. There he stood. Tall and hurt. His bottom lip stuck out as the sadness radiated from his face. I hated the lad right now, but even I felt bad for him. 

Alyce looked at me as he began to leave. I knew what she was going to do next and I was not going to stand, or lay in her way. I removed my body from over hers as his heels touched the door. 

“Don’t walk away! Babe, wait!” She called strutting after the lad who had left the room. 

I wanted to be angry at her for chasing after him but I couldn't blame her. I knew what she felt or did feel for him and if it wasn't for my actions, she’d never have been interested in him and none of this would have been happening. It would be me and her in London taking on the world. 

Feeling slightly awkward I left the room too. Walking down the wooden corridor, my eyes fixated on the floor. Millions of thoughts buzzing around my head but all ceased when I bumped into someone. 

Lifting my eyes up, I realised I was in the presence of Alyce’s boss, River. She was right, he was shorter in person, I felt a little uncomfortable towering over him. He pulled his hand from his pocket and held it in front of him waiting for me to shake it. Politely I shook his hand.

“You’re Luke right?” He beamed.

Well this is awkward. I was most certainly not that girlfriend stealing virgin. I was a man, a proper one who could get my own women without having to steal from someone else.

“Oh, no I’m Ashton” I replied trying to be a polite as possible to his very clear mistake. 

How could anyone even see me as a Luke? Ashton is a far more rockier and cooler name and I am a far more rockier and cooler person. I think maybe he has had a few to drink. His face became confused reinforcing the idea that he maybe had had a few to drink.

“I don’t think Alyce has mentioned you to me? You’re her…?” He stated bluntly. 

Obviously he had been drinking. Of course Alyce would have mentioned me? She would have mentioned me right? How could she not have? I was a huge part of her life to just miss out? Even if he had heard bad things about me?

“Ex-Boyfriend and now, good friend Ashton Irwin. Surely she mentioned me” I retorted staring directly into his flickering eyes. 

River shrugged his shoulders. Perhaps she hadn't mentioned me. For whatever reason, I’m sure she had a good one. However I find it odd that she hadn’t.

“So, you’re Luke?!” River laughed placing a hand on my shoulder. 

Shaking my head I did my best not to get frustrated. How many times did I have to tell him that I was not Luke. In no lifetime would I ever want to be Luke. 

“No, I’m Ashton. Luke is the guy who she cheated on me with” I blurted not realising the inappropriateness of my word choice. 

Immediately I regretted my words and wished I could take them back. Hopefully he was too drunk to remember them. But somehow I was certain he would remember. It’s not often that your prize intern turns out to be a bed hopping ‘slut’ for a lack of a better word. No matter what though; she was my bed hopping slut. 

“Oooooooohhhhh…So Luke how do you know Alyce?” He slurred. 

Not wanting to particularly explain the whole depth of our relationship I pretended my phone was ringing and excused myself. It was the oldest trick in the book but thankfully he brought it and shuffled over to another serious looking man with a leggy blonde woman on his arm. 

Noticing familiar faces out in the garden I trudged across the grass that was beginning to get rather muddy. L.P and Mikey were hanging off of each other but stopped once they saw me. 

“You were gone a while, did you see the fireworks?” L.P asked enthusiastically. 

Pretending to have seen them I nodded my head and told her that they were incredible which she agreed with. Like River, I don’t believe she was sober however Mikey most definitely was. Which was probably why he had a less than approving look plastered across his face. 

We stood there in silence for a few moments until a tall boy approached us. Looking dismal he stood next to me. 

“Can I talk to you Ash?” Luke asked rather timidly. 

I nodded and he motioned for L.P and Mikey to leave us to chat. Obliging they made their way across the garden to the mini bar but made it obvious that they were going to watch. Probably to make sure that we didn’t, or I didn’t throw a punch. 

“So what’s up Hemmings?” I said nicely. 

It was a given fact that I was not fond of Luke at all, but I did want to hear him out. 

“I want to apologise” He remarked. 

Taken back by his words I looked at him, or better yet, stared at him. His blue eyes appeared truthful and his body language was totally relaxed. He was telling the truth; besides it was not in Luke’s nature to lie. 

“I was such a shit friend. Alyce was your girlfriend and I did the worst thing a bro can do. But you have to realise Ashton, I’d been in love with her for so long and witnessing her unknowingly live through your relationship while you weren't faithful to her killed me” He babbled. 

I hated that he had to reinforce the history that I had cheated on her. Sure I fucking knew that but it didn’t mean I could change it. I swear to god, if I could go back and change it then I would. But I can’t. 

Horrible to hear, and harder to stomach was knowing that he had been in love with her for so long. But the thing was, so was I. Yes I knew he liked her at that party, but so did I. I wasn't going to just hand Alyce to him when I wanted to date her too. 

“Look mate, It’s in the past. Neither of us can change our actions we just have to live with them” I replied.

Luke slowly nodded and a small smile broke his face. 

“But just know, I am still interested in her. So we should just let her make the decision on who she wants to be with. Luke, I’m not going to give her up easily. I did that once but never again” I pressed being very honest with the blonde lad.

Again he nodded, and along with myself chuckled slightly. This was the first conversation in nearly four months that had not ended in some sort of fist fight or nasty words between us. Had I missed Luke? Not really, but I had missed band practice and being altogether. 

“I understand. But just so you know, I am in love with her…Where is she anyway?” Luke said looking around. 


Sorry it is so short, but I have like a million things on mind + college work -.-

Pictures on the side are a general selection of Ash and Luke...cause they are beauts

I hope you liked this chapter...please leave some comments! I dont mind how many times you comment. But when it gets to 45 comments and 35 votes I will update :) after tempted to put the story on hold indefinitley 

Dedicated to babydontstop because i'm obsessed with her story, 'When I'm Gone'. So you should all check it out x

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