Chapter 31 - *L.H*

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*4 more chapter to go :O*

Luke P.O.V

"Wake up Sleeping Beauty" I called knocking harshly on Alyce's door. 

I knew exactly what had gone down between Alyce and Ashton and for the first time, I honestly could not care less. If Alyce didn't feel bad about sleeping with Ashton, then I sure has heck was not going to feel bad about fucking Charlotte. 

It was nearing 11am, and since Michael had put Ashton and myself in the position of taking Alyce on date I didn't want Alyce sleeping any longer. I didn't give a shit whether she was tired from all that sex with Ashton or whatever they got up too, It was my turn and Alyce was going to get up. 

I kept knocking on the door until a less than happy Alyce screamed back something along the lines of "I'm up you dick". Glad to know that she is in a good  mood. 

At around 12.30pm Alyce emerged from her room looking incredibly gorgeous. Knee black stiletto boots, black wrap skort and a 'Rich' slogan vest top. Her hair sat on her shoulders with the new ombre colours shining through. Alyce's makeup was impeccable and she smelt really good too. 

She stood in the doorway gazing at me with her blue eyes. I stood in front of her, dressed not even half as good as she was. Alyce knew this too. Her eyes looked me up and down before she pulled a face. 

"You told me to dress up Luke? And your wearing trackies?" She remarked, scoffed actually.

I could see her roll her eyes though she did her best to hide it. Oh no Alyce, you can't hide from me. If you are going to act like a princess then I am going to act like a Prince. 

"Yeah, I changed my mind. I don't want to go out anymore" I sighed leaving her presence and jumping onto the coach and wrapping a blanket around my torso. 

I switched the TV back on to Shark Tale, which I knew was one of her favourite movies. See when I am being devious, I'm thoughtful and nice at the same time. Alyce needed to polish up those qualities. The slamming of her door was terribly quiet compared to the abuse she shouted. I knew she didn't it, but it still hurt. Maybe I just wasn't as good at being mean as Alyce was. 

Alyce was on the phone to someone, I was guessing it was either Calum or Ash because she was bitching, very loudly and very obviously. I sucked it in for as long as I could. It wasn't until I heard her call 'Someone pathetic" that I got up and walked over to her room.

Taking a deep breath I pushed her door open to reveal Alyce sitting on her bed in my red flannel and black gym shorts. Her hair was up in a bun and her face was totally clear of makeup. As soon as she noticed me, she turned her back to me and faced the panoramic window she had in her bedroom. 

Looking around the room I noticed her clothes dropped on the floor. The pictures she had of herself with all of the boys, including me were no longer on the wall. In all honesty her room was quite bare, the walls were plain. 

In her hands, she clutched onto a orange cuddly toy. It was Nemo, all the way from Sydney Airport to London Heathrow. Her body was hunched over and rather than looking out the window I'm sure her eyes were fixated on her feet.

"Are you finished?" She spat, still not making eye contact with me. 

As much as I wanted to say I was, I wasn't. I wanted to show Alyce just how horrible her behaviour had been to me at points. I never deserved this, I truly did and truly do love her. 

"Nope" I remarked, equally as blunt.

In a dramatic fashion, she twisted her whole body around and now sat crossed legged on the top of her duvet. Her shorts were incredibly short and I was doing everything in my power not to want her. However she was not giving in easily, I could see the lace of her bra under my flannel. 

Counterfeit  - 5SOS 2/3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora