Chapter 27 - *M.C*

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"I'm not going to let that thing play Luke any longer! You heard it yourself, she is fucking River! Why the hell can't she just admit it. The only person she is hurting is Luke! Ashton doesn't give a flying fuck. They fucking deserve each other if thats how they treat people!" L.P ranted as she threw her clothes into her suitcase.

She was so angry, her face was going red. I agreed with some of her points, but Alyce had a right to be with whoever she wanted. Her and Luke weren't going out and I have said it many times before, Luke knew what he was getting himself into.

"And then this whole 'I only eat organic food' phase she is going through really needs to fucking end. Who does she think she is?" She continued as she angrily zipped up her suitcase.

L.P had decided to go back to London, ALONE! I told her I would go with her, but she was not having any of it. I honestly don't know why things blew up between her and Alyce, one minute they were fine and then BOOM! I definitely felt for Alyce.

"I wish I never came to Paris. Its just the fucking Alyce show!" She screamed.

To shut her up, I kissed her. She then decided that she wanted to call a cab and go to the airport. She wouldn't even let me walk her down to get into the cab, as soon as I pulled away from the kiss; she was gone. This was something I had learnt about L.P, she was very stubborn.

Of course my thought was to chase her down, she was my girlfriend and I didn't want to start an argument with her. But I decided against it mainly because I knew chasing after her would cause an argument.

My next idea was to go up and see if Alyce was okay, I know I shouldn't but I did worry about her. She sure has heck had fucked all my boys around, literally. But she was still my friend and I did care about her. I knew her before L.P and whether or not my girlfriend liked it I did have some sort of loyalties to the girl.

Trailing into the elevator I found myself wondering why the hell Luke did what he did last night.My thoughts were interrupted when I reached Alyce's floor. I was so hoping that she wasn't angry at me, but I'm guessing that Ashton was probably to busy 'comforting' her.

I knocked on her door and instead of being greeted by Alyce, it was Ashton. He invited me in straight away. The lad seemed slightly stressed, but given the situation that LP had just accused his girlfriend, or scratch that Alyce of sleeping with her boss I could understand why. When I look at Alyce and Ashton and the way they look at each other it is so clear that they are still in love. They might as well just put a bloody label on it.

"Before you say anything, I know Alyce and River aren't sleeping together" He assured making weird gestures with his hands.

While I was inclined to believe that an action like that was just slightly out of Alyce's action zone, I also thought sleeping with Calum was out of it too and look where we are now. But if Ashton was sure that nothing was happening then I should probably go with him.

"Then what are they doing? I mean you can't judge LP for thinking that" I said backing up my girlfriend, but also to get the juicy gossip.

He looked at me and sat down on the edge of the bed. Alyce was nowhere to be seen. That was my next question for the lad, to ask where she is. Surely she hadn't gone back to London too.

"I probably shouldn't tell you, I mean it isn't exactly my business...but River is divorcing his wife. Alyce is the only person he knows with divorced parents. He basically just asked Alyce to chat with Charlotte and Laura and to be there for support" Ashton explained.

Suddenly it sort of made sense. When I think of it, she never had that 'Ive just had sex' look when she came back from River's and we all know she has that look. Know I was regretting LP's move of telling Luke that she was sleeping with her boss, if she hadn't of said that then maybe he wouldn't have slept with Charlotte.

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