Chapter 25 - *A.R*

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“I had such a great time last night, you really know how to treat someone River” I laughed as I got ready to get out of the car. 

I removed his jacket from around my shoulders and passed it back to him, not without first taking a breath of the cologne had been sprayed over it. A smile cracked onto his face as I slowly leant over to kiss his cheek. This was totally unprofessional, but over the last few days I think I have got to know him on such a personal level. 

“Well, I do try. I had a good time too, little bit unexpected but nevertheless I had fun. Now just checking we are still on for lunch tomorrow, you me and Lottie?” He replied as the chauffeur came around to open my door. 

River’s touch on my knee lingered a little bit longer as he awaited me to leave. I felt as if this moment was risky but I knew I didn’t want to change it. However the only thing really on my mind was having a shower and getting some breakfast. 

“That sounds perfect River” I smiled as my door opened. 

Spinning my body around I got out of the car. The click of my heels loud on the pavement outside the hotel. Just as I was walking into the hotel, Charlotte was coming out of the elevator. I smiled at her, but I don’t think she saw as she very quickly made her way through the lobby. I didn’t think much of it, she did like a bit of a mess and I certainly wouldn't want too many people seeing me in that state. 

Considering the amount I had to drink last night, my head was surprisingly not hurting too much. The room wasn't spinning which is always a positive but I was ready for a good old nap. Not wanting to nap alone, I called Ashton and asked him to scurry over to my room asap. 

While I waited for my cuddly Tarzan I jumped into the shower and freshened up. I couldn't be bothered to stand in the shower for too long, I ached and I just wanted to lay down. I roughly dried my hair before putting on some yoga pants and Ashton’s marvel superhero vest. I looked at my bed in the hotel room and it was oddly neatly made, almost as if it had never been slept it. My thought process however was interrupted when there was a knock at the door. 

Almost flinging myself towards the door I opened it, and in the doorway stood Ashton. Dressed in grey shorts and a black muscle tee I immediately invited him. 

“Good night?” He asked pulling me into his arms. 

‘Mhmmh’ I hummed against his neck as he slowly danced me around the hotel room. His touch was gentle against my skin. As he wrapped his arms strongly around my back I couldn't feel any happier to be with him. There was just something so right about being here with him right now. Despite everything that had gone on between us, we were finally getting strong again. 

“It was amazing baby, River is just something else” I gasped as he sat me down on the edge on the bed. 

Escaping his hands I shuffled up the bed and placed my head on the pillow. I grabbed the remote from the bed and pressed the button to close the curtain. The nine AM sun was quite bright even for winter. I scooted underneath the top blanket as Ashton laid down next to me. 

“Well I missed you at dinner” Ashton pouted attaching his lips to my shoulder blade and pressing them down. 

Little moans broke from my mouth before I gently slapped him. I just wanted to cuddle. 

“Can I be little spoon though” He cheekily asked. “I mean you did skip out on dinner with me” He winked.

I rolled my eyes but nodded too. He was right, I did miss dinner but on the other hand my evening was just as enjoyable. I turned onto my side and threw one of my arms over his torso and rested my hand on his. I had to move up the bed slightly so that I could comfortably cuddle into his side. 

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