Chapter 34 - *A.R*

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Alyce P.O.V

"You are going to here a lot of talk in the next few days I am more than certain" I worriedly expressed looking towards the lads that were sat in front of me.

Only Michael knew what I was about to say and even he looked worried. I had been hiding it for weeks now and I needed to tell them today. In all honesty I was surprised it hadn't come out a while back. Today was a day of truth.

Luke looked up at me with his baby blues. He was intently staring at me with such love and passion. Ashton was looking at Michael and Calum was watching Luke's movements.

"About a month ago I went to the hospital. I'll cut the bullshit out, I thought I was pregnant" I spoke. "With your baby Ashton" I added if what I was saying wasn't already bad enough.

I watched as their faces dropped. It was about as cliche as any teen drama. Not only had I played the game I had also seen the consequences. The worst part, was I didn't even know 100% it was Ashtons.

"So basically, I just want to clear anything up. I am not pregnant. My period was just a few days late" I said.

The boys reactions were priceless, Michael's face cringed at the thought of a period, Luke looked relieved but not as much as Ashton. I quickly exchanged a smile with the blonde haired lad who moments ago had been at the end of their pointing.

"But how does that make what Ashton said any worse?" Michael piped up as if on cue.

The thoughts of carrying Ashton's baby were not all bad. He would make an amazing father and that child would, hopefully be blessed with his good looks. Ash loved children and was a great person to be around, but it made me realise one thing.

"I only wanted that baby to be Luke's, hypothetically speaking" I said, my eyes connecting with Luke.

This time a huge smile erupted on his face, from cheek to cheek. He leapt up in a dramatic fashion and rushed over to me. Slipping his hands underneath my arms I was elevated up. His lips pressed gently against mine as he held me in his embrace. I felt the passion in the kiss, the sparks and fireworks were still there.

As he put me down, I was surprised to see Ashton smiling, Michael looked as if he was going to cry. I will admit that Michael might have been routing for Luke and I way before I had even given it a second thought.

While the 'war' for my heart had brought out the worst in all of the boys and myself it was over. Michael came running over to Luke pulling him down against the sofa and Calum followed shortly.

Ashton signalled for a word with me, and we slipped into the kitchen. His eyes still as hazel as they ever were. I noticed his stance was unlike I had ever seen and for the first time I couldn't read his body language. A smile crept onto his face, but a friendly smile.

"You made the right choice. It pains me to say it, but you did. I see the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him. It's the way I will always look at you and the way you used to look at me. I know it will never be enough, but I really am sorry Ducky. I'll always be sorry" Ashton spoke with such just in his tone.

I had come such a long way with Ashton, from that party in Sydney to standing in my kitchen in London. He had made me cry, made me laugh and made me want to pull my hair out in anger but I don't regret it because at those points in time, he was everything I wanted.

"It means a lot coming from you Ashton. I do really like him but you will always be my froggy. You'll just be my friendly froggy. And I know you are Ashton, but its in the past and forgotten." I replied looking him directly in the eyes.

"I will never understand what you ever saw in me, even after everything that happens. You are truly one of a kind" Ashton laughed but I could hear the truth behind his words.

I thought back to everything that had ever happened between us. The party we met, our first date on the beach, road trips, the aquarium, movie night; all of the good things. But also the fights, arguments, the temporary break ups the anger. I realised now that with the good also comes the bad. And despite his actions, Ashton isn't a bad person he just made bad choices just like I did. When he did something wrong I immediately forgot all the right things he did. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me, but in the end I only ended up hurting myself more.

"Sometimes people can't explain what they see in someone. It's just the way they take them to a place no one else can" I responded embracing him in a hug.

This hug was different to our others, it was brief and sweet. His head rested slightly on my shoulder for a second before he kissed my cheek.

Ashton and I were officially over, for the last time. The lad was always going to be part of my life, he was in a band that I adored and was best friends with my best friends. There was no escaping him, but I wouldn't want too. How am I going to feel when he moves on? I don't know, but I'll be happy for him.

Luke popped his head around the corner before coming in. He gave Ashton a hug before Ash announced he was leaving, but would see us both later for dinner. He rounded up Calum and Mikey, telling them that Alyce and Luke needed some time. Ashton thinks I am one of a kind, but that boy is one in a million. It is almost as if he is the sun, and I am the moon. When we collide magical things happen but they are meant to live at different times, not together. Luke was the stars, he helps my sky shine brighter but Ashton was the sun. Without him, there would be darkness.

Once Luke heard the door click close, he lifted me up and placed me on the counter where I was almost eye level with him. His lips pressed down against mine as he smiled. I felt the smile against my lips. I could see it in his eyes, he was happy.

What started as a mistake turned into the best thing that could have happened for me. That cheeky kiss when he was ill made me realise that maybe Ashton wasn't the one. Luke is good for me, I think I am good for him. We are perfectly different, but together we are simply perfect. Luke always knew exactly to say and when to say it. Even though I found him clingy, it was a good clingy. He persistently had my best interests in mind which is more than I can say for myself. When the oceans laid between us he crossed them to be with me. Luke had been there all along, I just hadn't noticed.

"Alyce will you please be my girlfriend" Luke hummed against my skin.

Last time we entered a relationship it was in the Tea House on Barnaby street. We both mutually agreed on it, maybe fine was our thing then but this time I want it to be different.

"Are you sure you want me" I whispered back kissing his nose.

He tilted his chin up with his finger and leaned in closer. Our faces inches away.

"I did not cross 5 god damn oceans and travel 10 thousand miles in a shitty plane to not win you back. I don't just want you to be my girlfriend, I want you to be my everything. Scratch that, Alyce Ramos you are my everything. Please be my girlfriend" Luke spoke with passion.

"I love you Luke Hemmings, yes, yes, a million times yes" I screamed before kissing him.

He rested his head on my shoulder as I whispered sweet nothings into his ear.

The End


Jesus christ, I cannot believe I have just finished the sequel to Holographic. While I have hated most parts of this book I have loved writing it.

I hope you have enjoyed this story, I really do. If this wasn't the ending you'd hoped for

Their story doesnt end here, it will continue in Children of Divorce...a very special Alyce and Luke chapter will feature very soon.

It would also be amazing if you could check out my Calum Hood story called Street Lamps, it is now my focus and I will be updating every other day

Much Love


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