Chapter 28 - *A.R*

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With Michael’s arm firmly around my shoulders he directed me into the hotel bar where we were seated on a high table near the window. It was very dark in here with ambience lighting to set the mood. 

“How can one girl cause so much drama?” He sarcastically remarked as we sat down. 

I rolled my eyes at his comment, but to be honest I didn’t really know. It might have started when I jumped into bed while still being in a relationship with Ashton, but that is just me. Or it could be because Luke called ‘dibs’ on me and Ashton totally disregarded it. I have no idea, but all I knew was that I had caused drama and I was petrified that it would negatively affected my working life. 

“I’ll have a dry martini please, and he’ll have a beer” I said to the waiter who had eagerly come over to take our orders. Michael went on to order some potato chips too. 

What happened in my hotel room was not fun to endure. Sure everyone likes the thought of two gorgeous guys fighting over them, but in reality it isn't that fun; especially when you truly do have feelings for both of them. 

“You really are something Alyce” Michael smirked as we received our drinks. I knew he was going to make a stupid comment to follow that which would totally remind me of our earlier relationship. When I look back, Michael was the only one who never really picked on me, he was there and would participate but he never initiated it. 

“Well thanks Michael, you’re quite the guy too” I chuckled sipping on my cocktail. 

It was thanks to River that I had been given a crash course on the world of fine cocktails. He knew all the swankiest bars in London. I really cannot believe that L.P thought I was having a sexual relationship with him. 

“I know I know, don’t flatter me…now to why I really wanted to get you on your own…what the fuck is going on with you?!” He said.

I gave him a look. Not any look, the look. He knew I was not impressed by his choice of words, but since he had had to split up Luke and Ashton fighting over twilight I guess I owed something to him. In my mind I was going to be completely honest to the lad, but then again in my head I was in a relationship with Caspar Lee…

“How about we make this as easy as possible, you ask me a question and I will answer it” I bluntly suggested. 

It was the only way I could think of answering everything he wanted to know. There was no way I was going to babble on for god knows how long revealing many secrets. He nodded in agreement. 

“Question one, Are you sleeping with River?” He asked.

I shook my head. “No way, he is my boss Michael. He is going through a divorce and I’m purely there for support. Next question” I answered.

“Question two, Calum, what was the deal there?”

I knew that he would have questions on this area, and to be honest so did I. It was never something Calum and I discussed. Sure we had the ‘lets just be friends’ chat, but there was so much more that needed to be said.

“You wont believe me, but I did really like him. The more I got to know him the more feelings grew for him. Despite the trouble he got Ashton into, I did, and do still like him. He’s an amazing lad with the heart in the right place. I never ‘got’ with him to spite Luke or Ashton for that matter, I did what I did with him because I genuinely thought I wanted to be with him” I honestly answered.

Michael looked taken back by my answer and so he should be. Recently they had joked that I was the ice queen but I did have emotions, and feelings. 

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