Chapter 18 - *C.H*

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Stretching out my limbs I rolled over to the body next to me and nuzzled my head into her neck. The warm embrace between us was sweet and this position was gorgeous. I could honestly lay here all day. 

“Morning handsome” She groggily whispered rolling over so we were facing. 

Her eyes appeared to be a different shade of blue this morning, usually they were so bright but this morning they were dark, possibly almost navy. However she was beautiful. She pouted her lips eagerly waiting for me to attach mine to hers. I gladly took the hint and pulled her closer to me so that she nearly on top of me. 

My hands wandered underneath her vest top and delicately shuffled them across her soft skin drawing little shapes. She smiled into the kiss as we rolled around in the sunlit room. 

“It’s a very good morning” I cheekily winked.

Continuing on the moment we reattached our lips to each other. She seemed content in the actions and didn’t do anything to suggest otherwise. I held her tightly in my embrace as we frolicked under the covers. 

Touches of pure ecstasy were enough to send me into a high state and the feelings were almost too much to bare. I wanted her so much but at the same time something was not right.

Around half eleven we decided to get out of bed and make some breakfast. The penthouse was empty except us two which was convenient. I don’t think the others would want to be around this. 

She put the kettle on as I sat at the kitchen island. The vest of mine she had one barely covered her backside, but I was in no way complaining the view was incredible. Her hair cascaded down her back perfectly and despite only just getting up she looked amazing. 

“Here you gooo Cal” She smiled placing a purple mug down in front of me. 

Putting another mug on the island too, she came and joined me. A smile graced her face as she poured milk into her tea and one sugar. Passing me the bottle of milk she started sipping on the drink. 

“I feel like I haven't seen you in ages Alyce” I said pouring milk into my tea.

She nodded at my statement. It was true, neither of us had really spent anytime together. She had been busy doing her things and I was busy meeting with record labels about our band. 

“I know…I’m sorry babe” Alyce replied apologetically. 

I shook my head telling her there was no need to apologise. 

“How have the meetings been?” She asked.

They had gone really well, a label called Capitol was really interested in our music. I played them a demo of Beside You and also Rejects and they loved them. Another label, Prez had also shown some interest but no where near as much as Capitol. However with the current state of our band I had no idea whether they would even get to meet them. 

“Yeah pretty good, just testing the water at the moment. But I think there is some potential for Five Seconds of Summer in the UK” I chimed thinking of all the success we could have if we all got along. 

I wasn't going to lie, when we worked together we could write some amazing songs and create some sweet music. Perhaps a move to the UK full time would be in order?  A grin beamed across her face as I told her the news and she seemed genuinely happy for me, or us. 

“I’m beyond proud Cal, you guys have worked so hard! Was it just you at the meetings?” Alyce inquired. 

The moments between us we incredibly tender and I could tell she was watching my every move. I have to say, I was watching her every move anyway. Like the way her eyes crinkle slightly as the sides when she smiles or when she is confused her brow wiggles. 

“Thanks babe and yeah the others were too busy or whatever to come along” I replied. 

It was terrible, but I didn’t actually care that the boys had not come to the meetings. It just showed the record label reps that I cared more about the band; or that I had the motivation and determination to make it. 

“Well, I’m incredibly proud of you Cal” Alyce chuckled kissing my nose before tenderly.

We both looked at each other and knew what was happening. The answer to that, was on both of our minds that’s for sure. This little moments and the cute laughs between us were too much. 

I watched as her eyes trailed to the side and then focused on her cup of tea. I have to admit, I did the same. There was an atmosphere in the air and neither of us could ignore it. Her hand grazed over mine and she held it there. 

“You’re literally my dream girl” I gushed bringing my eyes up to look at her. 

Her actions mirrored my own and our eyes connected at the same time. I felt a sensation pulse around my body. 

“Cal, I think you already know my feelings for you. I don’t think I could be more obvious” She giggled leaning closer to me. 

Giving my cheek a quick peck we both got up from the kitchen island and made our way into the living room. Standing by the panoramic window I held onto her soft delicate hand. 

I loved being in her presence and I knew she liked mine too. It only made what I was going to say so much more important. Moving closer, I brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear with my fingers. 

“I think we should just be friends…I love you so much Alyce but c’mon it hasn't exactly worked” I spoke the twang on my words sad. 

She looked up at me, and her eyes glassed over. I felt the emotion rising from her body as she attempted to hold back the tears. 

“Cal, I love you too, but you’re right. I can’t help but think that if we were in Australia this would all be different” She replied a tearing rolling down her cheek. 

Wiping it away with my thumb, I rested my hand on her cheek tenderly as we shared a moment. Alyce pressed her head against my naked chest. The warmth between us was something I had grown to love, but would have to get used to not having. I knew we would still be friends but I will always have those feelings for her. I wasn't exactly being truthful, I wanted it to work so bad but somewhere I knew that she wasn't meant to be with me. Alyce belonged with Luke or Ashton. As much as it would hurt to see her with them I would have to get used to it. 

“It sucks because we both know we aren't just friends” Alyce sobbed.

Alyce was right, we weren't just friends and in my eyes she will never be just a friend but she had to be. For her sake, for the bands sake. 

“Can I kiss you?” I asked as she she lifted her head away from my chest. 

She nodded and being as soft and sweet as possible I tilted her head up. My heart was racing as I leant towards her. Before placing my lips on hers I whispered “I love you” into her ear. I knew this kiss had to be better than all of our other ones as this was the last one. Passion burned through the kiss as well as hints of desire which I knew would never be acted upon. I wrapped my arms around her waist and our fingers intertwined as she stood in front of the panoramic view of London. In that moment everything was perfect. 

I couldn't imagine not waking up to her again or her crawling into my bed after a date and that was truly heartbreaking. I had so many unspoken feelings for Alyce and the fact that this all could have happened differently will haunt me. But I will say, I was truly enchanted to have met her and had the brief affection from her. No kiss will ever compare to hers nor will any girl. Alyce was one of a kind. She was made for me, I just wasn't made for her. 



So yeah, hope you liked this chapter :) Uploaded it despite not getting 40 comments on the previous chapter :( 

Just been on a date with Luke...but woke up next to Calum??!

Express your thoughts and stuff like that... I really enjoyed writing this chapter it was just cute...I think.

Very tempted to leave the story here...

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