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A few days after the pep rally, I was sprawled out on my bed with my laptop in front of me, watching a movie. I never really watched movies because I just never had the time to finish them, but now that summer was ending, and my first year at university was beginning in only a few short days, I decided to spend the day watching movies.

I had offered Perrie a spot on my bed to watch with me, and she'd accepted. She said she would watch the next one with me, and probably get someone else to come and watch too.

That was 2 hours ago, and I was expecting her back from running her errands soon, as she had told me she would be back in time for the beginning of the next one. We had a common room on the floor below us that had a TV and actual couches for us to sit on, but I liked the idea of lying down on my bed in my soft pajama pants better, as I wasn't quite comfortable about walking around the building in them yet.

I sighed as the end credits for the first Pirates of the Caribbean darted up the screen of my laptop. I stopped the DVD, and took it out of the computer. Just as I was doing so, the door to my dorm room opened, and a giggling Perrie walked in. I smiled back at her, but furrowed my eyebrows when I didn't see any grocery bags with her, as she had told me she had needed to pick up a few things - like juice, and snacks.

"Hey, where's the - " I stopped short, and blushed when I saw Louis Tomlinson walk in behind her. There was no use in finishing the question now, as Louis was holding onto 3 grocery bags. What a gentleman (barf).

I scooted up from my laying down position on my bed, and coughed awkwardly. When I agreed to let Perrie invite someone else to join us for the movie, I had expected one of the girls from our floor - like Jade, Jesy or Leigh-Anne who lived in the next room over - or even Niall at the very least, but not Louis Tomlinson. I had almost forgotten that he'd managed to get Perrie's number the other night at the pep rally, and I hadn't really prepared myself for it possibly relating to me and my plans in any way.

I had actually hoped that the two of them would go on a date, she'd figure out just how big of an arse he is, and then that'd be the end of it! I could only hope.

"Hey, Adelaide." He smiled, chuckling lightly along with Perrie's giggles.

I narrowed my eyes at him; the embarrassed blush long gone by now. I didn't respond to his greeting, I simply turned my attention back to Perrie as she took the bags from Louis' arms and set them down on her side of the room.

"Look who I found out in the hallway!" Perrie cheered, happily.

I forced a smile onto my face, "Great. Glad he could help you with your groceries." I only hoped that that was all he was here for. I really didn't want to believe that she had invited him to lay down on my bed with the two of us to watch a movie.

There was no way that it could turn out to be a good night.

"So, what film are we watching?" Louis spoke up with a smirk in my direction.

Great. Now he knew that I didn't want him here. How in the world did he find out now, when I'd been giving him the stink eye for years on end now? Seriously, people, he's not that much of a genius. He's got no street smarts.

I sighed, and plopped back down on my bed, crawling under the covers once I noticed that I was wearing my hot pink pajama pants, and a black tank top. "I don't care," I mumbled, bringing the laptop closer to me on the bed, "the movies are in the top drawer. Go ahead and pick one, Tomlinson."

I was done trying to hide the scorn in my voice as I spoke to him, and he raised his eyebrows at me; much like he did a few nights ago at the pep rally. He spent less than 5 seconds digging into the top drawer, before pulling out a DVD case triumphantly.

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