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"Oh my God! Yes!" I yelled in triumph, grabbing a bag of Doritos from Jade's snack stash in her room, "I haven't had these since like...primary school. My mum refused to buy them for me."

Perrie let out a few giggles, as she sat back on Jade's bed, and Jade stopped dead in her tracks, ready to sit next to Perrie, to turn to face me with an expression of shock on her face. "What the hell do you mean, your mum didn't let you have Doritos growing up?"

I simply nodded, bounding my way over to Jade's twin bed with the bag of Doritos in my hand. "My mum tried to make me healthy, I can't be mad at that."

Jade rolled her eyes at me and let out a loud laugh, "Adelaide, I've seen you eat. You're a machine. You love candy too much to have lived 'healthy' all your life."

I smirked up at her from my spot on her bed, "You're right, but my mum did try." I closed the topic by shoving a handful of Doritos into my mouth and munching happily on them.

Perrie and Jade both erupted into giggles at my antics, and although I wasn't actually attempting to be funny (I'd missed lunch), I covered my mouth as I tried to stifle my own giggles. It was already after eight at night, and it was the first time in about a week that we'd managed to get together. After the Halloween party the week prior, homework and assignments started picking up again. I couldn't believe that it was already November, and that exams were only about a month and a half away. University was insane, fun, and stressful all at the same time. I was loving every minute of it (aside from the annoying kid that likes to stalk me, of course).

After our giggles died down we all squished together side by side and lay down on Jade's single bed. She had a roommate, Natalie, but she didn't really spend a whole lot of time with Jade because she was so preoccupied by her boyfriend, who also went to our uni, but was living off campus. It was no wonder she didn't come home most nights. I don't think Jade minded much though. She seemed to like the alone time she got in her dorm, and she always showed up at our door when it got to be too much.

"So, Natalie just shacks up with her boyfriend all the time?" I questioned just after swallowing the delicious chips.

Jade rolled her eyes at me with a smile, "Don't say 'shacks up', Adelaide, it makes it sound dirty."

I stopped chewing for a moment to share a look with Perrie, and then give Jade a pointed look. "It is dirty. There's no way that she's staying at his house almost every night and not getting a good shag."

Jade scoffed, "Whatever, I'd rather not think about it. She brought me over to his apartment the other night for dinner with him and his roommates, and it was just plain weird."

"What was weird? Did you find out Natalie's true colours or something? Does she act differently around her boyfriend? Is he mean? Oh my God, is he a druggie?" Perrie spoke quickly, using only one breath to fire question after question at Jade.

"Slow down!" Jade laughed, shaking her head at Perrie, "None of that, I just found out that her boyfriend used to go to school with me. It was incredibly weird seeing him again after I thought I'd left everything behind."

I snorted, trying not to let them know how interested in the subject I had just gotten. I didn't want them to know how quickly Louis had popped up in my mind at Jade's words, but I definitely wanted to bring him up. I was in the same situation as Jade - that's past tense - it's so different now. I was so weirded out, and angry when I saw Louis at the pep rally back in September. It was just so awkward for me, but - really - what isn't? I thought I'd left everything from my childhood behind (especially him), but things just weren't that easy. I doubt Jade had the same feelings that I did because she didn't look like she despised the idea of this guy being near her, but I still wanted to keep her on the subject.

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