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I loved the first week of the new semester. Everything was laid back and relaxed. There wasn't much homework to work on, and everyone was in good spirits. When we all left we were all in a bad mood over our exams, so it was nice to come back after the break and not have to worry so much about people's emotions.

I was also glad to see that people were taking care of themselves again. Throughout exam season, all you would see on campus was an enormous sea of sweatpants, messy hair and dark circles under eyes.

I was sitting in my Economics class, messing around on my phone, and trying to annoy Louis as much as I could at the same time. He sat next to me, much like he had done all throughout the first semester. This semester was already turning out to be just like the first. I only hoped Louis wasn't going to be a bigger dick than he was in first semester. If he decided to pull some shit like the panty prank again, I was literally going to punch him in the genitals...repeatedly. I'd make sure he wouldn't have the chance to reproduce the world with more of him.

"Look at that afro." Louis chuckled under his breath, speaking of our professor's bad choice of haircut.

"Hey, for your information, when I was four, my mum cut my hair like that," I snickered, "I rocked it."

Louis tried to contain his laughs, succeeding only slightly, "I know. I've seen the pictures in your house."

I narrowed my eyes at him, sensing he wasn't exactly agreeing with me, and poked him in the stomach, causing him to squirm. He grabbed my hand to stop me, and pushed it away. I laughed at his reaction, "Please, dufus, I've seen your pictures. A cute little afro on me is way better than the bowl cut you had as a kid."

I glanced at the clock in the front of the lecture hall, noting the time and beginning to pack up my things. Louis scribbled away in his notebook and I just rolled my eyes. He was way too much of an overachiever, and I hated every minute of it. Sure, he worked hard for the incomparable marks he got in his classes, but I knew that even if he didn't study, he'd still get higher marks than I did and I didn't even have bad marks!

I stuffed everything away into my backpack, and grabbed my phone off of the table. Our professor was still going on about some trend in the stock market that I really didn't give two shits about, but I stayed, staring at the professor's afro and wide rimmed glasses perched on his nose until he finally stopped talking and dismissed us.

"And I'm out of here." I said, standing up from my seat and making my way to the door before there was a line up to get out, "Are you coming back to res, dufus?"

He shook his head, trying to keep up with me in the growing crowd, "No. I've actually got a meeting with the football team tonight."

I scrunched up my nose, "But it's only January. Football season isn't until like the summer or something."

"No, university football starts pretty soon." He explained as we finally got out of the building into the cold January air outside.

I shrugged, "Well, see you later then, dufus."

He smiled, "Bye, Addie."

We separated, and I began to make my way towards the residence building we lived in, but I was stopped by Monica, a fellow classmate who had a couple classes with Louis and I. She lived a few floors beneath us in our residence building, so we didn't actually know her really well, but we'd spotted her around enough to know who she was. I was actually surprised that she stopped me on the sidewalk. I didn't even know she knew who I was. She usually had her attention on Louis.

"Hi, Adelaide. Mind if I walk with you to res?" she asked with a smile.

I stared for an awkward moment before realizing I had better respond, "Uh, yeah. Sure." A few steps later, I knew there was something on her mind. The silence was too awkward between the two of us, and if there is anything I'm good at it is recognizing awkward silences. "So, did you need something?" I asked, trying to be polite, but really just cutting to the chase.

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