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Taking a few deep breaths, I tried calming myself as much as I could. It wasn't easy to do because of the splitting headache I had, and the fact that there was no way I could be calm while I laid in bed with some bloke. I didn't even know who it was!

I mean, I hadn't taken the chance to look yet, but I didn't know if I really wanted to look and see who it was. If it was someone I knew, I knew it'd be a mission to get out unnoticed, and super awkward if I ever saw them again, and if it was some random, it'd still be a mission to get away plus I'd feel like a slut. One night stands weren't my thing. No surprise here that I'm still a virgin.

It probably took me a good fifteen minutes of heavy breathing and inner freak outs to finally manage the courage to stop staring at the ceiling in horror, and turn my head towards the sleeping figure beside me. I almost screamed when I noticed the familiar face buried into the pillow. I literally had to clamp my hand over my mouth to muffle the squeak that managed to get out. This was something I was definitely not expecting from what I could recall from the night prior.

I nearly bit my tongue when he started to stir and eventually opened his eyes to look at me watching him with wide eyes and covering my mouth with my hand.

He narrowed his eyes at me and tilted his head as he stared back at me. "Well good morning to you, too, Adelaide."

I swallowed harshly and felt the heat start at my collarbone and rise up into my cheeks. Soon enough my face would be the colour of a tomato. I kept staring at him, completely lost as to why he wasn't freaking out as much as I was. Was there something I was missing?

I quickly glanced down under the covers at myself. I wasn't in my birthday suit, that was a good thing, but I wasn't in my own clothes either. I was sporting a pair of plaid pants and a black v-neck t-shirt that obviously belonged to a boy. This didn't help the panic attack I was having.

He shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to get up from the bed. "I imagine you want a drink of water? Maybe some pain killers for the headache I'm sure you're suffering from at the moment?"

I scrunched up my face in confusion when I noticed he was wearing the same outfit from the night prior. Okay, so maybe nothing happened between us last night, but how the hell did I end up in these clothes?

"What happened last night, Kyle?" I rasped out, finally noticing how much I actually needed the drink of water he had been going on about a moment ago. "How the hell did I end up in your bed, and how the hell did I end up in these clothes?"

He chuckled at me, "I don't know about how your night went. All I know is that Renee made me carry you in here, she helped you get changed and then she left because she had family stuff to do today or something." I cringed at the thought of Renee taking care of me. That's embarrassing. "I have no clue why my little cousin is currently passed out on the floor beside my bed, though."

Well at least my virtue was still intact. I can't say the same for my dignity, though. I had obviously been pretty drunk if my cousin had helped me change my clothes, and left me to stay here for the night. I wouldn't have wanted to drag me all the way home either.

I looked over the edge of the bed, and nearly laughed when I saw Louis cuddled up with a pillow and a blanket on the floor of the guest bedroom his cousin had obviously been staying in. He must have been drunk too if he ever thought he'd be comfortable sleeping down there.

"I'll go get you the water and pain killers." Kyle said as he left the room.

Disregarding the pounding in my head, I sat up and grabbed a pillow from the bed and chucked it at Louis' head. He let out a groan and I smiled with satisfaction. His eyes opened and he looked up at me with a glare, but it quickly turned into a grin. He was just as amused as I was.

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