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"Have you talked to him yet, Adelaide?"


"Are you going to talk to him?"


"Are you going to confess your love for him?" Perrie broke into the conversation between Niall and I.

"I don't love him." I grumbled.

"Do you want me to hit him when I see him next?" Niall continued his questions.

"Yeah, that'd be cool."

"Can I smack you twice as hard afterwards?"

"No, Niall," I said, throwing a pillow from my bed at his face as he sat on the floor of my dorm room.

Niall wasn't really happy with me right now because of my decision to not talk to Louis for the whole weekend. He thought I was being stupid about everything, and he was kind of pissed at me for going on the date with Harry on Friday. While Perrie was supportive and was just happy that it didn't look like I was going on any more dates with Harry, Niall was holding a grudge against Harry and I. He was angry with Harry for reasons pertaining to the holy bro code, and he was angry at me for being in denial for nearly five months, and then being stubborn about it. He was the drama queen of our group, for sure.

"You guys are really weird." Zayn commented as he sat next to Perrie on her bed. He'd become more and more frequent in our little hangouts, and I was starting to actually get to know him for the guy that Perrie knew him as. I mean, he had been my friend since the beginning of the school year, but it was different to see the way he acted with Perrie. He wasn't as serious as I thought he was. He wasn't as crazy as Perrie was, but she really drew it out in him. They were cute, and I was almost jealous. Almost. Then I remembered what kind of shitty mess I was in with boys – well maybe just one boy now – and I wasn't jealous anymore.

"That's what makes us so fun," Perrie giggled, cuddling closer into Zayn's side.

I rolled my eyes, "Niall just thinks he knows what's up, but he really doesn't."

Niall scoffed, throwing the pillow that I had previously whipped at him back at me, "I do know what's up. You just need to go to Louis and talk to him about this. I don't know why the hell you decided it was a good idea to leave him alone with his thoughts this weekend."

I shrugged, "I told you I was going to talk to him, but I'd rather it be in person, you know?"

My plan was to talk to him during class. After the lecture on marketing schemes (or whatever the hell was going on in that class) started, I was going to corner him and get this whole thing over with. There's really no where for him to go if we're in the middle of class, and knowing how much of a nerd he is, he won't want to miss out on the lecture anyway. Okay, maybe it was more that I had nowhere to run if I got scared after starting to talk to him, but it was important that neither of us could run away from the conversation.

Perrie giggled, "So you can have a snogging session after you two confess your feelings to one another?"

"No, Perrie," I grumbled while fidgeting with the threads on my bedspread. It was still awkward to me to talk about this kind of stuff out loud. I wish there was some way that everyone would just magically know what they needed to know and then never spoke of it again.

"Oh, right, we're past the snogging stage, you guys need time alone to sex it up!" she exclaimed, causing me to blush a deep red.

"Perrie! God, just...don't." I said leaning back on my bed and rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands.

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