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Letting myself into Jade's dorm room without knocking, I threw myself at her bed, landing face first into her pink, fluffy pillow. She chuckled from her place at her desk, but I didn't lift my face from her pillow until it was absolutely necessary because of the lack of oxygen. Taking a large gasp of breath, I turned my face over to look at her. She was seated at her desk applying mascara to her eyelashes.

Perking up a bit, I sat up on her bed, "Are we drinking tonight, Jade?" I asked eagerly, "I really think I need to drink tonight."

She raised her eyebrows at me, looking at me through the small mirror she was sat in front of, "Why's that, Adelaide?"

"Because," I whined, "this is the last free weekend before exam season really starts, and I'm so fucking stressed. It hurts a little bit."

Jade pouted at me sympathetically, "Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I think a lot of people are actually going home this weekend to relieve some stress before exams start."

"Meeeeeer," I groaned, burying my face into my hands, "Perrie's going home, you're going home... oh my god, don't leave me here alone with the boys!"

Jade rolled her eyes at my dramatic outburst, running her fingers through her pin-straight, blonde hair, "I'm pretty sure Zayn, Liam and Niall are all headed home this weekend, too."

Widening my eyes, I shot her a perplexed look, "Leaving me here with Lou and Harry is so much fucking worse."

Jade shrugged, getting up from her seat to grab a duffle bag to begin shoving clothes in haphazardly, "Why don't you just take the bus home, too?"

"I can't," I sighed, slumping my shoulders, and watching her move around her dorm room, "my mum's out of town until tomorrow night, so, it's useless."

Jade shot me a sad smile, "Well, if Lou isn't going home..." she trailed off, bouncing her eyebrows up and down at me, "you'll have basically this whole floor to yourselves the next few nights."

I scoffed, "You're almost as bad as Niall and Perrie."

She laughed at that, "Who do you think they talk to about you and Louis behind your backs?"

"Ugh," I sighed, shaking my head, "those two are unbelievable."

Zipping up her duffle bag, she cast me an amused glance, "Well, their efforts weren't for nothing, were they? You and Louis are boyfriend and girlfriend now, so, I guess all their pestering worked out in the end."

My face paled at Jade's words. Despite the fact that the word 'boyfriend' had been running through my mind nonstop for weeks now, I felt it was bad luck for it to be spoken out loud. Louis and I weren't girlfriend and boyfriend. We weren't...anything. I couldn't even begin to think about what we were. I'd been trying to sort it all out in my head, but for every one step I took forward in figuring it all out, he'd send me back two steps.

Just when I'd start to think that we might be headed in the right direction towards a real relationship status, Louis would completely change his mood around and act as if we were just mates again. For a couple who – apparently – everyone thought were going to get together way back in September, we still weren't together!

I don't know what Louis did to me, but I was actually getting fed up with this whole 'undetermined relationship' thing we had going. We were either together or we weren't, and I really wanted to know! I'd tried to bring it up with him multiple times, but the arsehole started stressing and studying for his exams like two weeks before anyone else even began to think about exams. He'd shut me out a lot now. We hadn't had any more sleepovers, and, although we still sat together in class, he'd get angry with me if I talked to him or even tried to pass him notes.

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