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"It's just incredibly weird of him to do, and I know it's just another one of his stupid pranks." I grumbled, as I dug my spoon deeper into my bowl of Oreo ice cream, and then shoveled it into my mouth with a frown.

They both chuckled at me, and I threw a dark glare towards the two of them. They didn't understand the stuff I was going through, but I thought they'd at least try to sympathize for me. Two weeks had passed since I had breakfast with Louis and his sister. That's fourteen days...not that I had been counting them or anything. It kind of took me off guard when Louis never really brought it up. I obviously didn't either. It would've been way too awkward to bring up...that.

"I think it's adorable how you get so worked up over the shit he puts you through." Niall said as he laid down on my bed where I was also seated at the moment. He brought both of his hands up to place underneath his neck as a support so he could still gaze up at me.

"Oo! It really is! You should hear her when she talks in her sleep!" Perrie chirped happily from across the small room where she was sitting on her own bed with her own bowl of ice cream that I had splurged on earlier in the week.

I rolled my eyes, but let a smile come to my lips. "Shut it, Perrie."

Perrie let out a series of giggles, and Niall scrunched up his eyebrows looking at me, "You talk in your sleep?"

"Only when I'm restless." I mumbled, while the heat rose in my cheeks.

Niall bounced his eyebrows up and down, giving me a sideways smile. "Oooo! Losing sleep over Mr. Louis Tomlinson, are we?" He threw a wink over to me, "I'll be sure to let him know. Hey, who knows? Maybe those feelings are reciprocated."

I groaned, taking another spoonful of the ice cream, and finishing off my bowl. "You're a dick, you know that?"

Perrie was still giggling. I hadn't seen her without a smile for more than ten minutes in the entire time I've known her. "Adelaide, you know it's true. Louis pushes all of your buttons, and that's not always a bad thing."

"Exactly!" Niall cried, sitting up straighter on the bed, "Louis is always preoccupied by you whenever Harry, Liam, Zayn and I hang out with him. The lad is hooked."

I rolled my eyes at their oblivious behaviour to what was obviously just Louis trying to keep up with my amazing pranks. "Yeah," I scoffed, "he's hooked on phonics is what he is."

Both Perrie and Niall erupted into laughter at my comment, and I smiled at the two of them, glad to be off of that topic for the time being. I knew they'd bring it up again later, but I would enjoy the time I had that wasn't interrupted by anything having to do with Louis Tomlinson the douchebag.

"Adelaide...why are you so - I don't know - different whenever we bring Louis into the conversation?" Niall asked, scooting to the edge of the bed to place his feet on the floor.

I opened my mouth to respond, but let it fall closed. I wasn't different when Louis was brought into our conversation, I was just irritated. Just a simple thought of the kid had me pissed off. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do about that.

"Does it bother you?" I questioned, tilting my head a bit to observe their faces.

Perrie shrugged, "Not really. It's actually pretty amusing."

"Agreed." Niall interjected, "You just get all cranky, and half of the time it seems like you're having an internal battle with yourself."

I scrunched up my nose. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Perrie grinned, "Here. Watch this." I turned my attention completely to her, and watched as she simply grinned back at me for a few moments before finally speaking again, "Louis Tomlinson."

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