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Someone was tugging on a strand of my hair, and I was going to punch whoever it was in the face if they kept it up. I didn't know what time it was, but I knew it was way too early for me to wake up.

"Addie, are you awake?"

My eyes shot open at the voice above my head, and immediately connected with those of Louis'. I let my eyes wander around his room for a moment before I let them return to his.

"Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Please, don't freak out." He spoke calmly, looking for signs of distress in my face.

I almost laughed at him, "Freak out? Why would I do that?"

He smiled, letting his expression relax as he sat up on his bed, "Because you're in my room, in my bed, and you regret what you said last night?"

I turned over so that my back was facing him, and buried my head further into his pillow. "I won't regret it if you just let me sleep for a few more hours."

"Adelaide," Louis scolded, "we have class in a half hour."

I groaned into the pillow, "It's just psychology. Perrie took it last semester."

Louis chuckled, "Is this why you weren't in class last week?"

I turned over and looked at him from underneath my eyelashes, "Maybe."

Before he could reach out to grab my waist, I burrowed myself into the covers again and whined, "Louuuuuuu,"

"Addieeeeee," he mocked back, trying to pull the covers back off of my body.

"Wouldn't you just rather stay in here all morning, dufus?" I asked, peeking my eyes out to look at him.

He gave me a soft smile, "Yeah, I probably would rather do that, but then you'd just run away when I'd start cuddling."

I pursed my lips, not wanting to admit that he was probably right because it wasn't going to help my case of spending the morning in bed, "Well..."

"I think you tried to kick me off the bed in your sleep last night." He said with another chuckle, finally managing to grab the covers from my grasp and yank them off of me.

I pulled my legs tighter to my body. He was such a bad friend. Perrie definitely would have skipped class with me in the morning, and let me sleep for an extra few hours. Louis needed to stop being such a goodie-two-shoes and just skip a class for once in his life. I'm not saying I skipped a lot of classes, but I'd already missed this class once before, and I knew a lot of people who were in it, so, it was easy to get the notes from someone else. The day before had been an emotional rollercoaster. I think I deserved the morning to myself.

"Come on, Addie. We're going." Louis said with finality.

I groaned again, but finally sat up on his bed, scratching my head, "All I have are the clothes from yesterday."

"So?" he asked, pulling his shirt quickly over his head and replacing it with some band t-shirt.

I wasn't even really embarrassed about Louis seeing my bedhead or with smeared eye makeup. He'd seen it all before, and I actually thanked the Lord that he had. I knew if it was any other guy I'd be hiding behind a curtain of my blonde hair, and I'd probably be sputtering out stupid things because that's how awkward I truly am. At times I could even be awkward with my family and some of my closest friends, but there really wasn't much left for me to be awkward and shy about with Louis. That's not true, but I'm not even going to start to think about Louis and I... never mind.

"I can't wear the same shirt two days in a row!"

"Then wear one of mine," he said, taking the two steps back over to me on the bed, and planting a kiss on my cheek, "Morning."

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