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I grunted as I attempted to keep my backpack strap from falling off of my shoulder, while holding my laptop in my hands. I'd wondered how I ever thought living on the third floor of my dorm building was going to be fun, seeing as climbing all of these stairs was proving to be nearly impossible when I had to actually carry things with me.

The shoulder strap slipped, landing in the crook of my elbow. "Fuck." I hissed, trying to make it to the next floor where I could rearrange myself, and then try to climb the rest of the flights of stairs up to my floor.

When I finally reached the landing, I sighed, but let out a small, surprised yell when my phone started ringing loudly from my back pocket. The four or five people who were standing in front of me sitting on the couches available, looked up at me with wide eyes. I blew my blonde bangs out of my face with a huff, before placing my laptop on the table nearby and then letting the backpack fall the rest of the way down my arm onto the ground.

Harry, who I had met my first night here, and who had been keeping contact with me, smiled at me as he noticed it was me who was making all the noise. He got up from his spot on the couch, deserting Zayn and Liam who he had been sitting with, and walked over to me. It was only when he slid his cell phone closed with a smirk, that I realized he had been holding it up to his ear in the first place.

The loud ringing that was still coming from my jean pocket abruptly stopped, and I narrowed my eyes at Harry. When he reached me, he knelt down to pick up my backpack and throw it over his own shoulder with a smirk.

"Need some help, milady?" he asked, as he motioned to the last flight of stairs I needed to climb before finally reaching my dorm room.

I blushed under his gaze, but quickly wiped it off my face with an amused laugh. I was getting better at recovering from my random moments of awkwardness, but the blush didn't go unnoticed by Harry at all. I walked ahead of him, up the stairs, and let out a sigh when I finally reached the third floor.

"Thank you, Harry. I have no idea how I made it up those first couple flights." I said honestly, turning around to watch him as he climbed the steps onto my floor.

He chuckled, and continued to my dorm room, which was at the far end of the hallway. "It's no problem, Adelaide. I mean, I was just thinking about you, and 'poof!' there you are."

I rolled my eyes. He wasn't the best at his pickup lines, but I've grown accustomed to it in the past week or so that I've known him. Through the numerous texts and the occasional call, Harry has made it clear to me, and pretty much everyone on both of our floors, that he's interested in me. I was surprised of course, I mean, I'd never really been into the whole 'dating' scene throughout school back home, but I had promised myself to change. I didn't want to be that same girl who stayed in watching movies with her mum on a Saturday night anymore, I wanted to be the girl who people knew; the girl who wasn't so awkward. God! I just want the awkwardness to go away.

I used my key to unlock the door to my dorm room, and opened it so that Harry could follow me inside.

"Was there something specific you wanted from me, Harry?" I asked, putting my stuff down on my bed, and motioning for him to do the same.

"I was actually just headed to the dining hall for something to eat," he spoke, turning around to face me after putting my backpack on my bed, "and I wondered if you wanted to come with me, since I knew your last class ended right now."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "How did you know that my last class ended now?" I asked, not recalling ever telling him that information.

He shrugged, "You have basically the same schedule as Louis, and I overheard him talking about it earlier today."

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