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"I think he ruined it," I stated, breaking the silence that had transpired between Perrie and I. We were sitting at our respective desks working on homework, and as hard as I tried, I just couldn't focus on it, "He actually ruined everything he's worked for. Like I don't think I'm attracted to the douchebag at all anymore – not that I really was in the first place."

I heard Perrie giggling from behind my back, so I swivelled my chair around to look at her and then noticed the real reason why she was giggling. Louis was standing in the doorway with an amused smirk on his lips. His arms were crossed as he leaned against the doorframe, and he just radiated smugness. It made me hate him a little more.

"Good thing I've got my witty charm to make up for this ugly black eye I'm sporting, huh, Addie?" he chuckled, shrugging off of the doorframe and coming to sit on my bed which was right beside my desk.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, and then, once realizing why he had said what he had, I laughed, shaking my head at him, "Lou, I don't care that you got smoked in the face with a ball during footie."

He tilted his head, "Oh good, so I'm still attractive to you."

"No, you idiot," I said, giving him a shove on his shoulder, "it's your ridiculous hair that I'm talking about."

His amused smirk was back, "What? You don't like the nifty quiff-ty?"

I rolled my eyes, "I think I hate it even more now that I know you call it 'the nifty quiff-ty'."

"She's just having a bit of a relapse, Louis. Don't worry." Perrie chimed in, closing her laptop and grabbing her gym bag from off of the floor. "I bet she secretly loves it, she's just going to make you work for the attention...again."

"Don't I know it," Louis groaned. I gave him another shove for his comment, but he just grinned back at me.

Perrie made her way towards the door with a giggle and then waved at us, "I'm off to the gym. Have fun, kids!"

Louis and I both watched her leave and close the door behind her, and then he turned back to look at me with mischief written all over his face. He laid down on my bed, propping his head up in his hand, and winked at me.

"Well, now that she's gone..." he spoke lowly, bouncing his eyebrows suggestively at me.

"You make me vomit."

He just laughed at my comment, shimmying his way closer to me, "What's so bad about the quiff? It feels nice. Here," he stood up grabbing my face to stop me from pulling away, and brought his head down to nuzzle my face with his head.

And I thought he couldn't get any weirder.

"Get your hair away from my face, dufus!" I yelled, struggling to push him away.

He chuckled sitting back down on the edge of my bed and reaching out to grab onto my chair and pull it so that I rolled over closer to him, "It's soft! You can't deny it."

I scrunched up my face in disgust – mostly because I wasn't going to admit he was right – and said, "I don't like it."

"What's really so bad about it?" he asked, keeping his hands on the chair rolling me back and forth an inch.

I sighed in annoyance, "Well, what am I supposed to run my hands through when we – " I stopped myself short, realizing what I was about to say, and flushed a deep crimson. I flushed even deeper when I saw the stupid cocky grin on Louis' face. "I mean, uh, never mind. I just don't like it."

"What were you going to say, Addie?" he asked teasingly, moving his hands to grab my arms and pull me so that I would get out of the chair and sit on the bed with him.

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