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"This isn't even fair. I hate being a girl."

Louis chuckled from the other side of my bedroom door as he waited impatiently for me to get ready so we could go to this stupid New Years Eve party that some guy we knew from school was having. I don't know how I keep finding myself in these situations where people who I thought were my friends were dragging me to some party that I knew I wouldn't have fun at. Whether or not I actually did have fun at them was totally irrelevant.

"If you were a boy, I'd probably have punched you in the face by now." He said, continually knocking on the door just to annoy me, "Your sense of humour – if you can call it that – doesn't look good on a guy."

"Neither do my boobs."

I smiled in triumph when I heard Louis' laughter on the other side of the door, and continued trying to pull the zipper up on the dress that I had chosen to wear to the party. Wearing a dress really wasn't my thing, but I wanted to show these people that I wasn't the same person I was in school, so I had been struggling the past fifteen minutes trying to get into the stupid piece of fabric.

"Addie, come on, it's already quarter past ten. We'll be fashionably late, just like you said we would, but if you take much longer we'll miss the whole thing!" He whined.

I rolled my eyes, and cried in victory when the zipper of the strapless black dress finally made its way up my back, then growled when it stopped midway.

"Son of a bitch! You stupid, fucking zipper, why must you be so frustrating?!" I yelled, moving my blonde hair off of my neck once again and grabbing behind my back for the zipper again agitatedly .

I gasped when I saw Louis open the door through the mirror I was standing in front of. He moved over towards me, grabbed the zipper from my fingers and pulled it up the rest of the way without any trouble. I frowned into the mirror and crossed my arms over my chest. I had been working on that for fifteen fucking minutes, and he got it done in two seconds. He was good at everything he did, god damnit.

"What if I had been naked?" I asked, turning around to face him and grab my purse off of my bed.

"Then I'd have a cheeky grin on my face, and you would have given me a black eye." He sighed nonchalantly. I stared at him for moment, and rolled my eyes at him again when he let his stupid smirk come onto his lips.

"Let's just get out of here already, dufus." I said, grabbing him by the wrist and leading him out of my bedroom.

I nearly tripped when he pulled against my hold, and made me turn back towards him. I scrunched up my nose at him, confused as to why he was resisting.

"Why'd you choose to wear that dress, Addie?" He asked, making me feel uncomfortable by looking at me up and down.

"Well, I uh – " I stuttered, still feeling awkward beneath his gaze, "I guess I thought I would – um – wear it, and that it – " I glared at him when I saw his cocky smirk return, "God damnit, Lou, one four three. I wore it because I like it!"

He chuckled under his breath and shook his head at my reaction, "Alright, Addie. I like it, too. Let's go."

I stared dumbly at his back as he pulled me by my hand out of my room and down the stairs. He was such a weirdo.

About a fifteen minute cab ride, and a fifteen pound payment later, we had arrived at a kegger that was being thrown by a bloke that Louis used to play football with in school. I'd headed straight to the keg when we arrived because I knew they'd run out of beer quickly. I thought it was lucky that they even still had a few kegs left at this time of night, but I suppose it's different than it is at uni.

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