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"Get off, Harry! You weigh like thirty stones!" I wheezed out, as I wiggled from underneath the weight of Harry's butt that was currently sitting on my back.

I had been innocently reading a book while lying on my stomach on my bed, and my dorm room door had been left open, like it often was whenever Perrie and I were present in the room. I guess Harry just decided to barge in and take a seat on my back. Boys seemed to do stupid stuff like that to annoy me.

"Mmm, but I'm so comfortable, Adelaide." He insisted, keeping himself upright while I tried to roll so he would fall off of me.

"Well, good for you, but I can't fucking breathe down here!"

"Ugh, whatever. So what's up?" he asked, finally getting up off of me, and sitting next to me rather than on me.

"Nothing really, just taking some time to relax since I'm done all of my exams." I sighed, rolling onto my side and propping my head up in my hand, "I packed earlier, now I'm just waiting for the bus home."

He widened his eyes and gasped dramatically, then narrowed his eyes at me. "You were going to leave without saying goodbye to your favourite lad who lives upstairs?"

I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration, "No, silly," I said growing amused, "Niall will be down any minute, and I'll get to say goodbye to him, don't worry."

He scrunched up his nose in confusion, "What? What does that have to do with an – hey! I'm your favourite, and you know it!"

I laughed at his comment, "You're mental."

"But you love it."

"It's actually sometimes annoying." I stated.

"And it only makes you love me more."

I sat up with a sigh, "Stop. You're starting to sound like Mr. Ego, also known as dickhead."

Harry just shrugged, then nudged his shoulder against mine as we sat next to one another. He'd been like this for the past few weeks. It was a little off-putting for him to be acting so forward with me, but I wasn't complaining. If a fit lad who I thought had once had the slightest of crushes on me starts giving me more attention all of the sudden, I'm going to take as much of it as I can. Every girl loves attention from good-looking boys, admit it.

I didn't know what else to do with this sudden flirting from Harry, I had been so sure that he had lost interest back in October, but then I come back from the weekend away and he's all...well, he's all charming and smiles.

As much as they loved him as a friend, Perrie and Jade weren't pleased with how Harry was acting towards me. They had thrown the idea of Harry and I out the window on Halloween, and they weren't changing their minds anytime soon about it. They were weird friends. They were rooting for me to have a relationship with the boy I despise the most. Unbelievable.

Harry leaned his head onto my shoulder and let out a dramatic sigh. I slightly flinched from the sudden contact, but soon relaxed. There was still nothing I could do about the flaming colour of my cheeks, though. That was a lost cause.

"You're going to miss me for the next three weeks, Adelaide. I just know it." He spoke softly, but letting me know by his tone that he was still playing around.

I scoffed, "Please, Harry, I think it's you who is going to be missing the heck out of me. I mean, who wouldn't? Really, though, I'm awesome."

He scoffed at my words, and pulled himself up off of my shoulder, "Who's the one with an ego now, hmm?"

I just giggled in response and gave him a shove to the shoulder. He groaned from the shove, and responded by poking me in the stomach with his finger. It was really sad to know that I immediately thought of Louis when Harry did that, since Louis had the tendency to poke me in the stomach. Louis wasn't even pestering me, but he still managed to wedge his way into my thoughts. It amazed me, it really did.

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