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"Come on, Perrie. At least pretend to help me pick out something to wear tonight." I said with a frustrated huff, as I continued going through clothes in my closet. I felt like I'd looked at every single article of clothing I owned...twice.

"I'm sorry, Adelaide, but I refuse to help you when you're doing something that I am totally against. This date is a waste of time." Perrie replied with a straight face, looking down to her manicured nails calmly.

I rolled my eyes at her behaviour. She was being a little bit of a drama queen. Or should I save that label for Louis? It was him who came here screaming like a little bitch a half hour prior. Okay, that was a bit harsh on him, but I really didn't even want to try to decipher how I actually felt about all of the crazy things he was yelling when he came barging into our room. After he stormed out I'd gotten another lecture from Perrie and Niall. They both agreed that it wasn't completely my fault, but they also agreed that I was somewhat of an idiot for not having known Louis had...feelings. Ugh, that's so awkward to me. My cheeks reddened at the mere thought of it.

I was so lost in what exactly it was that I was supposed to do in this sort of situation. Fuck, I'd never even really been on a date before, and here I was with two boys claiming to have feelings for me. I wanted to stay in the room for the rest of the night, and just go to sleep. Sleep made everything better. Not really, but, hey, there's nothing wrong with getting a little extra shuteye at a time like this.

I felt like I was in some sort of stupid movie where...actually it kind of reminded me of Pretty in Pink. Was I actually comparing my life to an eighties teen movie? Fuck. This was a dilemma in itself. If I was Molly Ringwald, the poor girl caught in a love triangle without her even really knowing it, who the fuck was Jon Cryer and Andrew McCarthy? Who was the charming long-time friend, and who was the charming, sensitive boy? Fuck. I didn't even want to know. Not yet anyway.

"Perrie," I mumbled in a weak voice, "help me."

She sighed, hearing the urgency in my voice, and walked over to my closet. She pulled out a high-waisted skirt and a pink floral tank top to pair with it. I grabbed a black cardigan, knowing I'd need it, then turned back to Perrie. Her face was blank of emotion, but I set the clothes down and wrapped my arms around her anyway. I was far from being in a stable mood, obviously.

"You'll make the right decision, Adelaide. I know you will." She spoke, giving me a tight squeeze in return. Her words only made me want to hang my head even lower than it already was

This was fucking ridiculous. I was just some stupid awkward girl studying business at uni. I'd never even had a real boyfriend! I knew that either one or both of the boys would eventually grow bored or impatient with me. Maybe, if I just avoided the whole thing, they'd both forget this whole ordeal even happened. That wasn't really possible though, as I was getting ready to go on a date with Harry and he wasn't even aware of this whole ordeal.

I quickly slipped into the clothes, grabbed my purse and sat on my bed listening to Perrie type on her laptop across the room. I looked at my alarm clock beside my bed and tried deciphering whether or not there was still enough time to come up with some elaborate excuse to get out of this and actually sleep like I'd thought of earlier, but my plotting was cut short by a few short knocks on the door.

I guess time was up.

I walked over to the door, taking a moment to plaster a smile on my face before actually opening it. Harry smiled back as soon as the door was opened. The pressure that I'd felt pushing down on my shoulders ever since Louis stalked out of here lifted slightly at the sight of Harry's friendly face. This didn't have to be as complicated as I was making it out to be.

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