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I walked into school feeling nervousness overfill my stomach. The school was as I imagined it. Inside was a office to my right and a desk to my left, where a tall chubby lady sat. The girl at the desk was wearing a tight black skirt and a white button downed shirt. She had long black strait hair. She was very pretty. She could even be considered a model. I assumed she was the receptionist so I walked towards her desk. "Hi, I'm Emma. I'm new here so I was wondering where I can get my schedule." "Hi, Emma in Rachel." She greeted me with a toothy smile. I smiled back trying to look happy but it only ended up failing because she said " I know how u feel, anyways go right in there." She said pointing to the office on my right "They will give you your schedule and u will also have a tour guide." "Thank you Rachel ." I said as I walked into the office.
                   Time skip_________

I had finally gotten my schedule. As I was walking down the halls I noticed that a lot of girls gave me nasty looks. It started to worry me but I just shook it off. I found my locker and starting putting some things in there, as I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I quickly looked up and immediately regretted it. I was looking into an explosion of green and brown eyes the most beautiful I have ever seen. I could stare at them for ages or so I thought when a hand interrupted my daydreaming. "Hi I'm Ethan, Ethan Dolan." I felt my heart flutter as I heard his deep low voice. I finally controlled myself and managed to stutter out " Hi, I-I m E-Emma" He was perfect. His jawline was so sharp that it could cut you. His hair was fluffy and black. I really wanted to mess it up just to see him get mad but thought better of it and kept observing him. He had a black shirt that showed his hard abs. He also had ripped jeans that were blue. He wore Adidas just like mine they were white too.  He chucked " Hi Emma, I'm your tour guide for today." He said happily knowing that I was checking him out. "Cool." I said trying to act chill while my face was burning from how hot he was. "What's your first class" He asked as I looked down. "Math." I answered. "Cool, we can walk together in the mornings......only if u want that is." He said the last part  nervously which made me giggle. "I would love to."

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