Worthless 28

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Emma's pov:
I woke up to see Ethan beside me, his face smudged against my pillows. I smiled at his cuteness and kissed the tip of his nose. I made my way to his lips kissing them softly. I layed back down on my pillow just admiring him when he smiled slightly. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said  rubbing his eyes and yawning. "You saw me? I thought you were asleep!?" I said shocked. "Ha yes but I thought it was cute so I didn't wake up." He said sending me a goofy smile. I laughed and hit his chest gently. Thats when I noticed that we were both naked because of last night. I smiled looking into his eyes. He stared back at me and smiled, for sure thinking what I was. We spend a long time just staring at each other when we leaned in and kissed each other with love. "Come on." He said getting up and getting changed. I groaned and got under the covers. "Whyyyyyy? I don't want to leave this very comftorble bed!" I whined making him laugh at my laziness. He walked up to me and pulled the covers off my head. "Come on. We need to look for an apartment or maybe even.....a house." He said making me get up, or should I say try. I felt myself falling when I caught myself on Ethan. He helped me get back up and kissed my cheek. "Sorry..." He said hiding a laugh. "Hm I wonder who made me sore? Do you know?" I asked sarcastically. He laughed and fell on the bed still laughing. I wobbled to the bathroom and got changed. I fixed my hair letting it got into a messy but cute bun. I put on little foundaishion and mascara. I walked out to see Ethan on the bed scrolling through Instagram liking Graysons photo. I jumped on top of him, hovering him. He looked up and smiled. He kissed my lips passionately and grabbed my waist. I kissed him one last time before getting off the bed and making my way to the door. I opened it only to see my mom about to open it. "Oh! Hi sweetie I was just gonna come check on you. How are you holding up? Is Ethan a good husband?" She said concerned. I laughed. She looked at me confused but then widened her eyes in shock. Ethan had come up to me and had hugged my waist, buring his head in my neck and looking up at my mom. "He's great! A little annoying sometimes but eh I'll manage." I said making Ethan gasp offended while I smiled and laughed. "Well I'm-that's good." My mom said speed walking back downstairs. Ethan and I laughed and headed downstairs. We walked into the kitchen immediately smelling pancakes. I jumped up and down in excitement and ran to the table where our food was. "I can't believe you are married and 18 almost turning 19 but still act like a kid." Ethan said taking a seat in front of me and chuckling. "Hey! I can let my inner child come out once in a while." I said taking a bite out of my bacon. "Thats an understatement." He mumbled under his breath. I laughed and threw my bacon at him. He caught it before it fell to the floor and ate it. "Ha!" He said munching it in my face. I stuck my tongue out at him and made a funny face. He laughed and returned it. "Okay lovebirds I have to go to work. Be careful. Bye!" Mom yelled as she made her way to her car. We finished breakfast and Ethan suggested to clean the dishes. I objected but he did it anyways. I got my laptop out and started searching for apartments. I found one that was basic but cute. "E! I think I found one!" I said getting out of my chair but bumped into him making us fall. We laughed and he helped me up. I showed him it but he wasn't impressed. "You don't want a house?" He said looking back at me. "Yes I do but we don't have the money for that. Unless we work soon." I said pacing back and forth around the dining room. "We could. My dad owns a big business so I can ask him for some advice." He said walking towards me. "Yeah we could but....why do you want a house?" I asked as he grabbed my waist making me face him. "Because we can't raise a family in our parents house and I would like to raise my kids in a house." He said making my heart flutter. "Y-you w-w-want a f-family?" I said feeling my knees go weak. He smiled warmly and kissed my lips. "Yes and soon." He said kissing my forehead. "E!" I yelled jumping on him and hugging him. "Me too! You don't know how good that feels to hear you say that!" I yelled kissing his lips. "I love you care bear." He said looking in my eyes. "I missed that name and I love you Dolan." I said smiling and kissing his lips happily.
Something juicy is gonna happen stay tuned!😄

Also thank you for reading this story. I could have never done this without my friend. She has been supporting me through this. Love you❤ love you too readers!❤

Short chapter but eh stay tuned 😏

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