Worthless 17

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Ethan had insisted that he would drive me to the airport. So I packed my things on the last day I had in California before I left to Texas. I know I'm over exaggerating but I'm really going to miss Ethan and I could tell you would really miss me.
E❤= care bear.....im here.
Care bear❤=ok I'll be right out baby
I walked downstairs with my suitcase and said bye to my mom. "Bye mom I'll miss you." I said hugging her tightly. "Me too, be careful...plz." She said on the verge of tears. "No mom plz don't cry I will be back before you know it." I said hugging her again. I walked towards the door and waved. I walked out the door and saw Ethan's car. He walked out and hugged me. I kissed his neck sweetly and then kissed his lips passionately. "Hi care bear..." He said pecking the tip of my nose with his lips. I giggled at the feeling. He looked at me with sad eyes. "Baby don't be sad. I will be back before you know it. And like you said we will have the best time together when I get back." I said looking at his eyes. "I know but I'm gonna miss you sooooooo much.." He said as he made puppy eyes.
I was speechless. I got lost again in his eyes. Great.I can't even talk.
"Baby? You okay?" He said kissing my cheekbone gently. "I-i no.. I'll miss you too." I said a tear forming in my eye. "Come on." He said picking me up over his shoulder. "I get to see your butt again!" I said happily as he laughed. He picked up my suitcase with one hand and held my legs with the other. He walked to his car and put the suitcase in the trunk. He put me down and opened the door for me. I walked in. He walked to the other side and started the car. I lifted my hand and caressed his hair. "Care bear stop...it feels so good....I'm gonna fall asleep." He whined taking my hand and intertwining our fingers. "Now I know what to do to you when we cuddle!" I said happily. He laughed and parked at the airport."We're here." He said looking at me with sadness in his eyes. "Babyyyyy!" I whined sadly. He unbuckled my seat belt and picked me up. I straddled him and played with his hair. We looked at each other and stayed that way. I looked into his explosion of colors and he stared at my blue eyes. We sat there for about 2 minutes until I kissed his lips slowly. The kiss was sweet and full of love. I pulled back and took out my phone. I only had 10 minutes to get to the airplane. "Baby! I need to leave!" I said crawling out of his lap and opening his door. I got out of his car and got my suitcase from the trunk. He got out and took it from me. He took my hand and we walked into the airport. They called my flight and I had to leave Ethan. "I love you." He said sincerely. "I love you." I said sincerely back. He kissed my lips before hugging me tightly. "C-can't
b-breath." I said losing air. He laughed and pulled away. "Be careful." He said holding my hand and tucking a hair behind my ear."I - will." I said in between kisses. I let go of his hand and got my suit case. I walked up the stairs and made it past securaty. I could see Ethan as he waved his hand for the last good bye he would give me till I came back. I mouthed 'i love you'
He smiled and mouthed back.'not as much as I love you.' Classic Ethan. I smiled and walked in the airplane.
I got to the Texas airport and immediately saw my tall buff dad waiting for me. He was talking to this women who was about 31. She was laughing at any thing he would say. She is flirting! I giggled and waved as my dad looked up. His face was happier than the last time I saw him... He said something to the lady and headed to me with a huge grin. "Hey kiddo!" He said hugging me tightly. It wasn't Ethan's hug but it was nice. "Hi dad!" I said hugging him back. It was nice to see my dad after all this time. "Who's that!" I said pointed to the lady that he was talking to. "Oh pff that's nobody." He said trying to act cool. I raised my left eyebrow at him suspiciously. "You sure.... Dad its okay you can tell me." I said reassuringly. "Fine she's my almost girlfriend..." I gave him a confused look. "Almost?" I asked confused. "Yeah I was scared that you would get mad so I-"he said. "No dad. I want you to be happy." I said sincerely. "Thank you! I love you!" He said walking away and grabbing the women's hand. They walked my way again and the lady gave me a smile. "Hi, you must be Emma!" She said happily. "Yes and you are...?" I said awkwardly smiling. "Oh yes I am Isabella!" She said hugging me. "Nice to meet you!" I said truthfully. She was nice and my dad looked happy so I was happy. "Lets get going then." My dad said happier as can be. I smiled as we walked out of the airport. As soon as we got in the car I called Ethan. "CARE BEAR! OH MY GOD I MISS YOU SO MUCH! ARE YOU OKAY. HOW WAS THE FLIGHT!" Ethan yelled of overjoy. My dad could even hear him from all his yelling. He eyed me suspiciously. He shrugged and started a conversation with Isabella. I was happy to hear his voice. I couldn't keep a smile off of my face."Hi E! I miss you too and yes I'm okay....are you?!" I said giggling. "Yes now that you called me! I miss you baby!" He whined. "I miss you too baby!" I said in a baby voice. "I can't wait till you get back. I'm going to attack you with cuddles!" He said trying to sound serious. "You're trying to hide your smile aren't you!?" I said already knowing the answer. He laughed. "Yup. Ok care bear I'll let you have fun with your dad! I love you and I'll call you at 9." He said happily. I smiled and said. "Ok love you!" I smiled and hung up. "Care bear...hm intresting name." My dad said giving me a look. "Dadddd!" I whined. "Who is he?" He asked sternly. "My boyfriend. And yes he treats me right. And yes I love him and yes he loves me." I said already knowing what he was going to ask. He rolled his eyes. "How tall is he." My dad asked randomly. Why does it matter? "He's 5'11." I said. "How does he look?" He asked still stern. I showed him my wallpaper. It was when Ethan stole my phone when I was asleep and he curled up in his blankets. (Photo above) He's so cute!
"Huh." My dad said taken aback. "Is he healthy?" I looked at him with a 'duh' face but I showed him another picture.

 "Is he healthy?" I looked at him with a 'duh' face but I showed him another picture

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"Wow!" He said with wide eyes. I smiled and turned my head to see desert. I missed the desert. I looked up and saw a beautiful hawk. I watched as it freely flew over a tree. Happy and peaceful. That's what Ethan had made me feel. When I got to California I was a mess. I couldn't take it but he helped me by not even trying.

I love you Ethan!❤

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