Worthless 16

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Ethan took me home and came in with me to say hi to my mom. "I'm home mom!" I yelled while walking to the kitchen with Ethan holding my hand. "Hi honey!" She said walking into the kitchen and grabbing 3 waters. "Hi Ethan!" She said happily. "Hello!" Ethan said while wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his head on my shoulder. "Mom, dad called me and asked if I could spend a week with him on spring break?.." I asked while feeling Ethan's breath stop suddenly. "Of course honey...but um what about Ethan?" She asked looking at Ethan. His expression turned to sad. "Its okay, she should go and enjoy her time with her dad." Ethan said sadly. He kissed my cheek and smiled. "I want you to be happy on your vacation and when you come back we will have the best time together!" He said kissing me and turning at my mom and smiled. "Wow Ethan you are the best person for her she deserves you." She said sincerely. "Awww thank you baby!" I said looking down at him then looking up at my mom and giving her a 'get out plz' look. She smiled and walked out. Ethan picked me up and sat me on the counter. "I'm gonna miss you." He said while playing with my hair. "I know baby I'll miss you too." I said while kissing his lips passionately. We were kissing sweetly when I heard a noise. I pulled back and opened my eyes. I looked around and from the corner of the wall I saw my mom taking a picture. "Mommm!" I said annoyed. Ethan looked confused and then laughed. "Ha that's what my family did when we danced to perfect!" He said laughing. "That's why Grayson came in!" I said understanding what he said. "Nah he just wanted pizza. Who blames him." He said kissing my cheek. My mom walked out smiling and actually left to go to her room. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked Ethan who was playing with my fingers. He looked up and smiled. "We can....go eat if you want then go get Starbucks?" He said/asked. My face lit up with excitement and I felt hungry already! "Yessssss!" I said happily. I got his shoulders to turn him around but he wouldn't budge. "Baby please turn around!" I whined making a fake sad face and pouting my lips. He kissed my pouted lips and turned around. I got up on the counter and jumped on his back. "Care bear!" He yelled surprised. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs on his waist. He grabbed my legs and walked to the door. "Bye mom!" I said laughing as Ethan made a fake angry face. "Bye be careful!" My mom said back. We walked out and headed towards his car. "You're crazy you know that!?" He said trying to open the door. "Yup! And you love it!" I said kissing his cheek and jumping off of him. He laughed and opened the car door. "Thank you good sir!" I said giving him a poke in the stomach and jumping in the car before he could pick me up. I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him jokingly. He laughed and walked to his door and got in. He started the car and drove off. He grabbed my hand and put on 'come get her' and sang the whole song. I watched as his hair swayed back and forth with every move. His lips moving to the song perfectly. His gorgeous eyes looking at the road. He looked at me and blushed. "Enjoying the show?" He asked sarcasticly. I smiled and played with his hair. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. He placed our hands on my lap and continued driving. We jammed out to the songs and got to Wendy's. We walked hand in hand into the restraunt. We sat down and discussed what we wanted. "Hi there! What drinks may I get you?" The waitress said with a smile on her face. "I'll have water and the walnut strawberry salad please." I said politely smiling. "And I will also have water with a burger." Ethan said politely. She nodded and walked away. "Baby, do you have a hoodie I can borrow?" I said shivering of how cold I suddenly got. "Yes care bear. Wait here." He said getting up and kissing me passionately. He headed towards the door and walked out. I took out my phone and started playing 'Dream Piano'. I felt someone put something over me. Before I could scream a warm hand covered my mouth. The person put the thing over me so that I could see. Of course it was Ethan. "You scared me!" I said punching his shoulder. I had on his hoodie that was black and it said Adidas. I got cozy and instantly was warm. "Ow." He said rubbing his shoulder. "Oh come on I barely touched you!" I said sticking out my tongue at him. I laughed as our food came. We ate and drove to Starbucks. "Care bear, do you wanna drink here or at your house?" He asked while pulling up to the drive through. "Ugh whatever lets drink it here." I said. We walked in and sat down. We were talking about random things when someone sat next to me. "Hi I'm Angel! And I just wanted to say you are very pretty.." He said blushing. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He was skinny and tall. "Um thanks.." I said getting uncomfortable. "Hey dude I'm Ethan. Her boyfriend. So back the fuck off" Ethan said waving his hand sarcasticly to Angel. "Oh cool." Angel said while getting a strand of my hair and playing with it. "Yeah, no." I said getting up. "I have a boyfriend like he just said." I said pointing at Ethan. Ethan got up and started saying things to angel. I got my drink and headed towards the car. I leaned against the car waiting for Ethan. One minute later Ethan came out and opened the door for me. I got in and drank my water quietly. Ethan got in and grabbed my face gently. He made me look at him and kissed me softly. "Wow, who knew you were the jelouse type." I said kissing his face softly. He smiled and picked me up. I sat on his lap and played with his hair. "Care bear...thanks for being loyal." He said while kissing my cheek. I layed on his chest and smiled. "Of course. I love you!" I said kissing his soft plump lips. "I love you care bear!" He said kissing me back.
Happy Valentine's day!💘❤😘

Hope you liked it.

Shits about to go down

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