Worthless 5

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Brittany quickly turned around and walked towards me. "You actually came." Her expression gave a look of dumbfounded. "Why wouldn't I?" She immediately started laughing. Her 3 plastics followed her laughter. "You are that stupid!" She laughed out but then turned serious. "What do u mean?" She grabbed my neck and lifted me up. She then dragged me to the schools back wall. She hit my head towards the wall. I quickly kicked her in her shin and she dropped me. "You are so stupid. How could you ever think that I would apologize?! You are a boyfriend stealer! You will never get with Ethan. You are worthless!" I was about to talk back but she snapped her fingers and the 3 plastics came up to me and started beating me up. I tried hard to fight back but again it was 3 against 1. I soon felt a punch in my head and I blacked out.


Ethan and I were walking hand in hand in the woods. He then put a  blanket on the floor. He sat down and pulled me to him. We layed down looking at the stars glistening like diamonds in the sky. I put my head on his shoulder. He leaned in and-
"Emma. EMMA!!!!" I woke up and saw Ethan in my face with a worried expression. "W-where am I?" I asked really confused. I guess it was just a dream...." What happened to you? You are bleeding!" I remembered Brittany and her 3 plastics beating me up. I didn't want to be the cause of a breakup so I decided to lie. "I-I don't know." I tried to act confused. "Come on." He picked me up and I straddled him. I buried my head in the crook of his neck. The pain came and I started crying. "Shhh shhh its ok I'm here." He cooed. His soft voice calmed me. I felt his body heat which calmed me down even more. "There you go." He said. He rubbed the side of arms caressing me. I took my head out of his neck and looked into his eyes. "Thank you Ethan." "For what?" He asked. "Everything." I said kissing his cheek. He blushed and kept walking while holding me. I then buried my head again in his neck. "Y-your welcome Emma I'll always be here for you when you need me." He said with a smile on his face. "Thank you Ethan."

Ethan's pov:
She kissed my cheek oh my goddddd!!!!!!!! When she kissed me I felt tingles and my face got super red and hot. I was still worried about what happened to her. There were so many things I wanted to ask her but she started crying and I really felt like hugging her and doing anything in my power to stop her crying. I've never felt like that before. The only time I've wanted to help someone really bad is Grayson when he broke up with his girlfriend other than that nobody but now Emma.

Emma's pov:
I didn't know where we were going but I knew I was safe in his arms. I was so comfortable that I fell asleep while he was carrying me. I woke up to an unfamiliar but comfy bed. I wasn't in my clothes anymore. I was in a long black shirt that fit me like a dress. I looked around and saw my phone on the desk next to me I check the time. 9:30! Oh my god my mom is going to kill me. Also where the hell
Am I!!!! Just as I was thinking where I could be the door opened. Ethan walked in shirtless. HOLAYY JESASSS!! I instantly blushed. GET ME THE HOLY WATER DAMMMMM! "Well well sleeping beauty is awake!" He yelled causing me to giggle. "Oww" I whined laying back down on his pillow. "Woah, are you okay Emma?" He asked rushing over to me and sitting on the bed. "No,my head is killing me." I said while massaging my head. "Hey I think you should stay the night. Its better if you rest." Oh god mom is going to freak. "Ok let me just call my mom she is going to freak out if I don't tell her....wait but she will kill me if I say I'm at a boys house." "Ummm,just say your at....Hannah's house. You made a new friend and she wanted a sleepover." "Um..ok." I get my phone and see that she called me 57 times oh god. "Where on earth have you been Emma!" She was yelling so that Ethan could hear her through the phone. "I'm so sorry mom I left my phone on silent and I thought I texted you but it failed to deliver. I am actually at a friends house her name is Hannah and she invited me for a sleepover." I lied. "Ok, but what about your clothes?" "We are the same size, she let me borrow some clothes." I lied yet again. Ethan was just looking at me and playing with his fingers. I looked at him and he quickly looked away and I giggled."Ok fine, but when you get home you are grounded." She said sternly. "Ok mom again I'm so sorry." "Yeah yeah be careful bye love you." And then she hung up. "Well that went well." Ethan said sarcasticly. "Yup." I said sarcasticly back and we laughed.

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