Worthless 11

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I woke up and smiled. I got out of bed and showered. I put on a pink cute dress and a brown belt on the waist. For shoes I put on brown flats to match the belt. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked downstairs. "Morning mom!" I said happily. "Morning honey! You are happy today!" She said. I just shrugged and smiled. My smile was on my face and I couldn't take it off. I was incredibly happy. I said bye to my mom and drove off to school. I saw Ethan waiting by his car. He headed towards me and opened my door. "Hey E! Thank you." I said smiling while getting my coffee, keys, and phone. "Hey Emma! You look cute today!" He said as smiley as me. I walked out of my car and hugged him. We walked into the school and headed towards our lockers. I put my boring stuff in there and was about to close my door when someone wraps their arms around me and put their head in the crook of my neck. I smiled and turned my head and saw Ethan. He looked at me with puppy eyes. "You are adorable!" I said giggling. He smiled and let go. I closed my locker and started walking down the hallway to class. He walked up to me and smiled. "Not as adorable as you though." He said leaning down and kissing my cheek making me blush. "Haha dork come on." I said hitting his stomach lightly. He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his face and kissed it. He put our hands down and held my hand while we walked down the hallway. A brunette haired girl and a red haired girl walked past us and smiled. "They are so cute together! He deserved better than Brittany!" I smiled and layed my head on Ethan's shoulder as we continued to walk to class. We walked into class and headed to my desk. No one was there yet so we sat down and started talking about random shit. Some people came in and looked at us happily. Once everyone got there they started pointing at us making me smile. Ethan grabbed my hand and smiled. "Awwwwww!" Everyone said in unison. Brittany walked in and saw everyone awwing. She rolled her eyes and sat down. She looked at what they were looking at and froze. She got up and headed towards my desk and slapped me. "That's what you get slut!" Before Ethan could get up I put my hand on his shoulder and stopped him. "You know what? I've had enough of your shit!" I yelled. I punched her in the face causing a bruise on her lip the same I had. She grabbed my hair and dragged me to the wall of the classroom. I grabbed her hand and twisted it. She let go and threw a punch and missed. She hit the wall and cried out in pain. She reached for my hair and banged my head against the wall. As if on cue the teacher came in. "Brittany! What are you doing!?" She asked running and yanking Brittany off of me. Ethan ran to me and hugged me. "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "I'm fine." I said truthfully. I thought she would do more damage but I guess that was her 3 plastics. "She started it!" She yelled at the teacher. "Liar!" All of the class yelled. I smiled. "What?! I'm not lieing she stole Ethan from me!" She yelled at the class. "Actually I chose to leave your sorry ass for her." He said calmly to Brittany. She walked out angrily and the whole class clapped. I laughed and sat back down. Ethan sat next to me. "You sure you ok care bear." He asked making me laugh. "What's a care bear? It sounds cute." I said giggiling. "It means I care for you like a teddy bear!" He said cutely. "I swear you are so cute!" I said ruffiling his hair. He laughed and layed his head on my shoulder and held my hand. "Ok I guess I'll deal with that later. But you are going to do an art project with the person you are sitting next to. I know this is math but the art teacher wanted this project even if you aren't in art. It will be a long project so you will have to meet after school hours." The teacher said. She explained the project and gave us ideas of what we can draw. I already knew what we were going to draw though. I heard a cute little snore in my ear. I looked over and Ethan was sleeping on my shoulder peacefully. I kissed his forehead and continued listening to the teacher. I know I know why are we acting so lovey dovey but he started it and I played along. I actually stopped playing along and acted like a real couple. It felt natuaral. The bell rang and everyone got up and started packing. "Ethan." I whispered. He just got more comfy and continued to sleep. I kissed all over his face but avoided the lips. "Stop that tickles. But you missed." He said waking up and pouting. I really wanted to kiss him but I wanted our kiss to be special so I didn't. "I know." I said pecking his nose.  "Come on. We will be late if we don't pack up." I said getting up and packing. "Fine." He said tiredly. We walked hand in hand all day. It was finally the end of the day and we were out. "Can I have your number for the p-project of course." He said turning red. "Ha sure." I said putting in my number. "I'll call you later?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. I kissed his cheek and walked to my car. I drove home and went straight to bed. What a day. I smiled thinking of Ethan. How could someone make you so happy?
Can't wait till they kiss!💜
Hope you liked this chapter. I know they were being lovey dovey but they are legit #couplegoals. Also do you know what she is thinking of drawing?

Well think harder😈😂

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