Worthless 4

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Brittany quickly turned to her partner that was sitting next to her and whispered something. 10 seconds later her partner got up and was heading to a empty table. As she was walking I noticed she had a piece of paper in her hand. This can't be good....." Baby, come sit with me." Brittany said with a baby voice that I hated. He was to good for her. She was a plastic. How could he not see that!? Ethan gave me a look that said 'sorry'. I nodded and saw him head to her desk. As soon as he sat down she moved to his lap and started playing with his hair.I couldn't help but get jelouse. That should be me playing with his hair and giving him my true love. He kept looking at me staring and I quickly starting heading to the only empty table. With my luck, there was only one empty seat, next to the girl Brittany whispered to. She was definitely a plastic too. As I sat down she looked at me. "Hi.." I said while feeling a little uncomfortable because she wouldn't stop staring. "Hi..umm Brittany told me to give this to you." She said. Oh no this can't be good. She handed me the piece of paper that I saw her with earlier. The note read-

I am sooo sorry about earlier. I completely overeacted. I'm just the type of girlfriend that is committed to a realationship. I hope you understand. I feel bad just giving you a note.meet me at the back of the school at 4:00. Hope to see you there.

Love, Brittany 💘

Her note made me cringe. I knew she meant something bad but how could I really know. Maybe she was sweet on the inside and was actually a overprotective girlfriend. I looked up to see her staring at me. She then went to Ethan and started playing with his hair again. She then looked at me making sure I was looking. She leaned in to Ethan's face and was about to kiss him when Ethan moved back and told her to pay attention to the teacher. Brittany's face was ridiculous. She looked mad and butthurt. I couldn't help but laugh. The whole class looked at me. "Miss, what is so funny that you had to laugh and interupt my class?" The teacher said sassy. "Nothing mam, I'm sorry it won't happen again." I said. She continued on with her class.
Brittany gave me a death stare but I just shook it off. Ethan wouldn't stop staring at me. I mean I wouldn't have minded it if he hadn't had his girlfriend in his lap giving me a death stare. The bell soon rang and we all got up and got ready. Ethan came up to me while I was packing my things for the next period. "Hey, can I see your schedule?" He asked giving me a smile that made my heart skip a beat. "Sure" I said as I handed him my schedule. Ok Ok I know I shouldn't have feelings for someone taken but my stomach always gets butterflies when he looks at me. And I know its fast but I can't control myself. "Cool, we have all of our classes together!" He said it in a girly excited voice and jumped up and down which made me laugh.

Ethan's pov:

Her laugh made my insides twirl. I know it was too fast to get a crush when its barely the 1st day but damn I've never met anyone like her. She wasn't just a girl. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. The sad part is that I'm dating Brittany and I know that Emma would never make a move on me if I was dating Brittany. She is way to good to do that. Brittany not so much. I once caught her cheating on me with a guy that played football. She said she was trying to stop him but it didn't seem like it. I forgave her but have had eyes on her for the past week she did it. I also kinda lost interest once Emma came.....

Emma's pov:

1st period had finally ended! Ethan and I had all of our classes together which was the good news but so did Brittany. I swear everytime I'm with Ethan she gives me death glare. We had finally finished 7th period and the teacher let us out a little early. We were walking down the hallway and talking randomly when Ethan said "I swear I can talk to you about anything and u won't judge me or be disgusted." "I mean why would I?" I said kinda surprised people think of him like that. I looked up to find him staring at me. Yet again I got lost in the explosion of colors. We stayed like that for what felt like forever when the bell rang. I got snapped back to reality. "Ugh...gotta go see ya tomorrow." I said awkwardly ."See ya..." I quickly turned around and headed to the back of the school. I was now blushing and I couldn't contain my smile. I hid it when I saw Brittany and 3 of her plastics.....this should be interesting.....

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