Worthless 12

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I woke up to a ring from an unknown number.
Care bear❤=Emma
Unknown number= good morning care bear!
I knew it was Ethan so I changed his name.
Care bear❤= good morning E!
E❤= you wanna come to my house today at 2 to work on project?
Care bear❤=sure let me get ready..do you have food?
E❤= yes lol geez I know you have food you just want mine! Plus you look pretty even if you don't get ready...
Care bear❤= aww E💘. you know me so well! See you later!
E❤= lol see you later dork!
I smiled at the texts. I could only talk to Ethan like that. He understood my sarcasm and I understood his. We communicate so well. I got up and took a shower. I straightened my hair and put on a black hoodie crop top. I put on skinny jeans and my white Adidas.I put on very little foundation and chapstick. To top my look I put on some mascara. I got my phone and my paint and headed downstairs. "Hey mom I'm heading to Ethan's." I said as I hugged her and headed towards the door. "Ok honey, be careful and don't come home to late." She said as she waved at me. "K love you." I said heading out the door.
Care bear❤=I'm on my way
E❤=ok just got out of shower see you!
Care bear❤=ok see ya!
I got in my car and blasted
'In too deep' by Why Don't We and 'Fake love' by BTS. I got to his house and knocked. "Got it!" I heard Ethan yell. He opened the door shirtless. His hair was wet and ruffled. He was wearing black jeans and white Adidas. "Put on a shirt before you poke someones eye out! No one wants to see your pepperoini's!" I said as I got on my tip-e-toes and kissed his cheek. He burst out laughing and fell on the floor I laughed at him on the floor like a worm. I headed to his kitchen and looked through his pantry. "Ethannnn! You said you had food!" I whined. Ethan couldn't contain himself from laughter. I laughed at him. I looked through the pantry again a second time to see if I missed something. "Looking for something dear?" I heard a voice say behind me that wasn't Ethan. I jumped. It was his dad, Sean. "Oh hello you must be Sean." I said politely shaking his hand. "And you must be Emma. I've heard A LOT about you." He said making a funny face on 'a lot'. I giggled. Ethan came and saw me talking to his dad. "Oh no what did he say?" He asked worriedly. "Aww E, you talk about me...I'm so special!" I said teasing him. Sean and I bursted out laughing. "Dadddddd why?!" He whined. He came up and hugged me from my waist. I smiled and poked his stomach. He let go. "Owww!" He whined as I pulled him into a hug.
"Hey beautiful." He said in my ear making me smile wider. "You guys at so cute together." Sean said and I giggled. I got out of Ethan's tight but comfortable grip. "It was nice to meet you Mr.Dolan." I said shaking Sean's hand. "Call me Sean and nice to meet you too." He said. I ruffled Ethan's hair and walked away fast. He chased me and I ran up the stairs to his room. His door had Ethan on it so I knew which room to go to. I ran in and hid under his bed. He walked in and looked around. He had his back towards me and I crawled out and jumped on his back. He laughed and carried me. He threw me on his bed and started tickling me. "Ethannnn!!!" I laughed out. He soon stopped letting me rest. "We are CRAZY!" I said laughing. WE! Ha you!" He said laughing. I laughed and got up and went downstairs to get my paint. I came back and saw Ethan setting up a table for us to paint. "So, I had an idea of drawing the back of the school. The beautiful tree and the wall and the green grass and the sky can be blue with gray clouds!" I said excitedly. He laughed. "That would be awesome!" We started painting and listening to music. We spend 4 hours on it. By the end we had paint on ourselves and had gone through 200 songs. We would know the words to all the songs and dance like crazy. We laughed like maniacs. I loved spending time with Ethan. He made me happy. I made him happy. "Ethan, get the doorbell your mom and I are busy!" Sean yelled from downstairs. "Come on!" Ethan said picking me up over his shoulder."Ethan, put me down!" I said laughing. "Nope." He said laughing. "Nice butt!" I said. "I know right?" He said seriously making me laugh. He headed downstairs while holding me. "Put me down dork!" I said laughing.He put me down at the front of the door and opened it. His smile was huge. His happiness faded and so did mine. "Oh glad to see you two hanging out!" Brittany said from outside of the door. "Ethan are you okay?" Lisa asked while walking to the door. "Oh Lisa! Nice to see you again!" Brittany said shoving me out of the way. She ran to Lisa and was about to hug her when Lisa moved to the side and walked towards me. "Hello Emma!" She said hugging me. "Hi Lisa!" I said happily. "And Brittany to you its Ms.Dolan." Brittany had a look of butthurt. "What are you doing here Brittany?" Ethan asked mad. "What I'm not allowed to visit my boyfriend?" She said with a smirk. "I said we were over!" Ethan said raising his voice. I took his hand and felt him loosen up a little. "Oh come on! We both know you are going to crawl back to me." She said with stupid smirk. "Ha you really think I will come back after what you did to her!?" He said getting more impatient. I squeezed his hand and he looked at me. I gave him a look that said 'calm down don't do anything stupid'. He looked at me with dark eyes but then calmed down at my look. "Please leave." He said calmly. "Nope." She said giving him a smirk. She headed towards me. "If you lay a hand on her I will call the cops for trespassing and harassment. So leave now!" Lisa yelled at her. She turned around and walked towards the door. "Fine,fine but remember she is worthless!" She yelled and walked out. Ethan looked mad and frustrated. I cupped his face and held him. "Hey its ok she's gone." I said as I felt him loosen up. "There you go." I said playing with his hair. "Come on." He said pulling me upstairs. "Thank you Lisa!" I said before he dragged me upstairs. "No problem sweetie." She said smiling. We walked in his room and he sat down on his bed. "Hey are you okay?" I asked him. "No, she hurt you and I wasn't there to stop her." He said sadly. "Hey its not your fault." I said sitting in front of him and hugging him. I checked the time and it was already 9:00 pm. "E, I have to go now." I said sadly. "Do you HAVE to go?" He said kissing my cheek. "Yes my mom will kill me if I don't go now." I said. "Fine." He said sadly. "E, don't be sad. You'll make me sad!" I whined. "Sorry." He said. We walked to the door. "Thanks for everything E. I had so much fun!" I said hugging him. "Me too I'm sorry about Brittany." He said sadly. "Hey its okay I don't care about her okay?" I said reassuringly. "Bye E!" I said one last time. "Bye care bear." He said smiling. I walked to my car and headed home. I got home and got into bed.
Care bear❤= I miss you already
E❤= me too would you ever be able to sleep over
Care bear❤= I would if you meet my mom. She's eager to meet you
E❤=haha will do how bout tommarow?
Care bear❤= sure at 10:00 am so we can eat breakfast!!
E❤=I swear you love your food
Care bear❤= yup goodnight E❤
E❤=goodnight care bear❤

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