Chapter Twenty-Four

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Izuku shot up from his bed and panicked when he saw the alarm clock.The man looked to his side and stared at his sleeping girlfriend for a brief second before nudging her.The woman stayed asleep with drool leaking out of her mouth and her forearm buried underneath her pillow.Midoryia tapped her arm this time and she began to stir awake."Izzzuku what time is it?"


The brunette rolled off the bed at his answer and yelped when she hit the carpet.She then stood up and looked at the messy haired man with panic across her round face."What!The party starts in forty-five minutes!"

Izuku was buckling his jeans while he responded."I know-we've got to hurry."


Izuku tried to peak over the stack of presents he was carrying as he walked down the stairs,but Deku was struggling to see the steps.The man opened the apartment complex door with his shoe and stumbled out of the building.The hero made it to his car,but given his luck it did not come without an accident.The adult found his vehicle via bumping into it and he almost dropped a gift onto the steaming cement below,but Uraraka caught the object before gravity finished its job.Ochaco safely placed the gift in their car's trunk and put her hands around her hips as she examined everything."I think that's everything."

Izuku let out a sigh of relief."Thank God.And we have have twenty minutes to get there."

Uraraka placed her small hand over her face."That's not a lot of time on a Saturday during lunch."

Izuku looked at her,looked at the ice white car,and then zipped into the drivers seat."Come on we don't have much time."


Izuku checked his rear-view mirror as he teased Ochaco."You did brush your teeth right?"

The rosy cheeked woman let out an exaggerated gasp."Of course!I'm no wild animal."

Izuku could not help but smile."Just making sure,because Ko would love to tease you for vomit breath."

"Now that you mention it-that's probably why we're late."

Izuku turned his head to look at her as they stopped at the red light."Yeah this is all your fault."Ochaco was not in the mood for his teasing and flicked his forehead."Ow-what was that for?"

Deku's girlfriend crossed her arms."For being mean."

"Aww come on-you know I'd hold your hair up any morning so you wouldn't throw up in it."

The small town girl tried to stifle her laugh."Pfft-you didn't have to do that ya know."

Izuku shrugged his shoulders."Ehh-maybe it was just an excuse to touch your hair."

"Are you saying you hoped I'd be sick back to back mornins'."

The freckled man turned and smiled at her."A guy can only dream."


Izuku pulled into the parking spot and turned off his car."We're here."He received no answer and looked to his left to see an empty seat.He then looked in his rear-view mirror and saw Uraraka holding balloons in her right hand and a bag in her mouth.

Midoryia stepped out of the car and reached into the back trunk for the wrapped gifts.Izuku walked with Ochaco into the park and felt a wave of relief when he saw everything set up.The large green Deku banner was nailed to the roof of the picnic area and a blue cake was in a white box."Thank the lord for Mrs.Sewani."

Ochaco was only able to give her lover a gibberish littered response due to the bag held by her teeth.

The couple smiled when they saw Ko at the wooden picnic table eating a sandwich.A young girl with jet black hair was talking to the boy and as Deku and Ochaco approached the boy the plump foster home superintendent cut them off."Mr.Midoryia and Ms.Uraraka-I am so glad you made it."

Deku smiled back."We weren't going to miss it for anything."Izuku then gave the woman an hopeful look."Could you get the bag out of Ochaco's mouth?"

"Of course."

Ochaco smacked her mouth once the present was gone."Thanks-I don't think that was the best for my teeth."

"No problem."The lady then placed the powder blue bag by the many other gifts."I just want to thank you two for everything you two have done for little Ko."

Izuku was walking towards the blond boy and did not turn around as he responded to the elderly lady."Yeah it's nothing-we love the kid."

Warto looked away from the young girl next to him and jumped off the wooden bench.The child then wrapped his arms around Deku's abdomen.Izuku ran his rough hands through Ko's messy mane."I should have know you two would've been late."

"You can blame it on Ochaco."

"What was that!"

"Oh no."Ko backed up and laughed at the couple.

Uraraka glared at her boyfriend."So when we're in the car it's okay that we're late,but when we get out here you go and tell him it's my fault."

Izuku sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck."I was just kidding."

"Anyways today's your day so enough about us."Ochaco then ran her hands through Ko's hair."What do you think we've got planned for ya today."

"Uhh-I don't know.I thought we'd just goof around like usual."

"Really you think that's all we're doin'."


Izuku laughed at the interaction."He's kinda right Ochaco."


Izuku stood on the basketball court and dribbled the ball between his legs.Ko sat on the concrete and watched the man launch the ball into the basket.Deku looked over at the young boy and motioned for Warto to come over.The boy jogged up to the man and looked up at him."Have you ever played ball?"

"N-No-the boys usually don't let me play."

Izuku slapped the kid on the back."Well I'm going to show you how it's done."

"D-Do you even know how to play?"

"Definitely-if it wasn't for Ochaco I'd be balling overseas in America."

"I doubt that."

Ochaco sat on the bench with Mrs.Sewani and watched as her boyfriend showed Ko how to shoot a basketball.The two women watched as Izuku showed the blond to tuck his elbow in and place his hand on the center of the ball.The old lady smiled and made an observation."That boy loves you two."

"We love him too."

"I know and that's why I wanted to ask you something."

Ochaco had a general feel for where the lady was going."Ask away."

"Have you and Midoryia ever thought of adopting him?"

Ochaco looked over at the boys."Yeah we've talked about it,but that's a big decision."

"I understand-adopting is stressful,but that boy needs you."

"We'd love to do that,but there are still things we haven't told him and something has come up."

"You're talking about Midoryia being Deku."

"H-How'd you know?"

"There is no hair quite like his in this world."

Ochaco let out a laugh."I guess you're right."

"Why haven't you told him?"

"Deku likes to keep his job a secret."

"But that boy adores not only Deku but also Midoryia so why not let him know."

"I-I think Izuku doesn't want that boy to worry about losing him.He already hates the idea of me loosing him and that's why a family scares him."

Authors Note:
New Story Out and it's called Damned

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