341 - 350

53 2 3

#AnonymousConfessions 341:
I sometimes listen to music and pretend to be a pop star (I think that everyone does that tho)

#AnonymousConfessions 342:
I've always sucked at spelling and I was tired of always having to take a pre-spelling test and fail only to have to take the actual spelling test which I never really did good on. So one day, I decided to cheat and I did this for a while until I was caught. Well, I got sent out of class and to the principle's office where I met with the principle's wife and gave this tearful apology and whatnot. But to this day I'm only sorry I got caught- I would do it all over again if I could because I really sucked at spelling and was tired of failing.

Also, side note, since I went to a Christian school, they gave out Christian character awards at the end of the year and I won that year despite my cheating so yeah ^-^

#AnonymousConfessions 343:

AHHHHHHH why are people so inconsistent

#AnonymousConfessions 344:

So apparently I'm tsundere... but I refuse to accept it xD So I'll never admit it...but hmmm there is a guy I've been talking to here. I enjoy talking to him and I get really jealous of other girls talking to him...which is also a secret I'd never tell. But I don't know how we mesh for more than what it is or chemistry wise? But is it okay to learn more about what you like in a relationship? I just can't stand hurt feelings. It's too sad. Ah, I just don't know!!!

#AnonymousConfessions 345:

I always use incognito window when confessing, just in case it's traceable x.X

#AnonymousConfessions 346:
I have a crush on a girl

#AnonymousConfessions 348:
I love eating my scabs

#AnonymousConfessions 349:
I sometimes think someone is using my eyes as a form of spying, so I make sure not to look at anything I wouldn't want the spy to see

#AnonymousConfessions 350:

I have a habit to observe random dogs pooping  

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