451 - 460

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#AnonymousConfessions 451:
There this user that complains on and on about any one under 40 especially the generation now and the ones born in the 1980's or 1990's about how lazy and stupid we are and I'm just like" um I'm sure someone more elder than you had said the same thing about your generation"

#AnonymousConfessions 452:

I like how when he complains about readers and give wrong informations or something based on his

#AnonymousConfessions 453:

My girlfriend is 12324233 away and no one knows I have one.

#AnonymousConfessions 454:

I think my sister is a Weeb/Koreaboo

#AnonymousConfessions 455:

I always believed that my parents were too mean and now I think they will never change their abusive behavior. I am trying to survive but oh god it is hard when you feel unloved by the very people who are supposed to love you.

#AnonymousConfessions 456:

my first writing was a plagarised copy of a school story for Kinder kiddos... but i changed and now I write my own stories guys.

#AnonymousConfessions 457:

This is a response to @InnateEcstasy on post 2379.

Yes yes it is 😂 Y'all should stalk his post  

#AnonymousConfessions 458:
I'm stuck in a loveless and sexless marriage. I got married at the age of 22 when I wasn't feeling ready. But I did it anyway because he wanted it and I loved him. It's been almost 4 years now, and I feel very alone and crave intimacy. I'm frustrated and want to get out of this marriage. I realized how he truly was after we got married. I can't leave because I can't afford a divorce and I live in a country where women are looked down upon. I also don't have any financial stability and don't want to be a burden on my parents. I'm depressed.

#AnonymousConfessions 459:

i don't like captain marvel.

#AnonymousConfessions 460:

I am glad I am leaving home in two years. I can't stand my family.  

Confessions Anonymous 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin