391 - 400

41 1 8

#AnonymousConfessions 391:
I'm a nineteen year old virgin, but beyond that I've never even had a girlfriend, never kissed anyone. A girl I had a crush on told me she liked me once in first grade and that's the closest I've gotten to an actual relationship, first grade, how pathetic is that? I don't know why, as far as I can tell I'm not horrifically ugly or anything, I'll fall head over heels for a girl then never be able to ask her out, I've always been pretty shy but that feels like an insufficient explanation for years of priest-like celibacy. I'm not gay, not that I have any problem with that, a lot of people assume I'm gay, a few guys have even asked me out, I've experimented with gay porn to see if I've just been like subconsciously lying to myself or anything, and in the right mood I can get off, but I've never felt attracted to guys like I am to girls, I've never had my heart stopped by a cute guy like it does with girls. I feel to confident in my sexuality think that's it atleast, I guess I feel like I get friend zoned too quickly, like maybe my expectations for how well I should know someone before launching a relationship are just higher than most? Maybe part of me just knows I'm not ready to commit to someone in the way I think they'd deserve? I really hate feeling like this, because I wanna be happy, and I feel like I let down girls who are interested in me when I don't end up asking them out, part of me just wants someone to do it for me, for some courageous girl to tell me how they feel about me so I don't have to guess, but I guess that's an unrealistic expectation right? Was that first grader really one in a million? Or have I since developed some trait that just makes me averse to girls and anything I think someone feels for me is just a hopeless fantasy? Sometimes I just wish people would tell you what they're thinking, just give me something to go off of, ya know? Anyway that's my confession

-19 year old virgin

#AnonymousConfessions 392:
I smile a lot and generally come off as positive to everyone around me, so they always look to me as the 'happy person' and come to me when they need cheered up. I sometimes wish that they all knew I've been suffering from Severe depression, anxiety and a panic disorder almost all my life and it's just a façade. Just sometimes I wish I could take off my happy mask and relax for a little bit, but I know if I do it will be so much harder to deal with those illnesses, even if for a little bit it might be nice.

#AnonymousConfessions 393:
  This may be a little too explicit, but one day I came to school and a guy showed me this video. Apparently its a video that's been going around a lot of schools in the U.S. of some girl....like having sex with her dog. It was disgusting I actually felt sick after. I think that was the first time I've actually been traumatized. 

#AnonymousConfessions 394:

Everyone knows that my father is a narcissist, what no one really knows is that my mother is a control freak~

#AnonymousConfessions 395:

I always hated being left out of everything that includes family or friends and i still do :-/ I just found out some depressing stuff.

#AnonymousConfessions 396:

If I wasn't such lovable and if it wasn't for my peeps, I would have gone ahead and confess this from my grave because I'm still thinking about it sometimes. I'm the same person who've confess about burning stuff🔥.

#AnonymousConfessions 397:

  Sometimes, when I'm really have a bad day, I consider jumping off the roof... and I have a lot of bad days. But I don't really want to die so I never do more than think. 

#AnonymousConfessions 398:
  My first sex was with my elder cousin sister 

#AnonymousConfessions 399:
I'm glad that I could approach my crush on last day of school. It wasn't anything special,we clicked a picture and actually he came to me(what?). I wrote two lines for him(which I so messed up lol) and he,for me which were kinda honest. and I can't stop smiling whenever I remember the last line -'We made some memories'.

Yes, we did, good ones too :). I would have loved to know you better,as a friend maybe.

This is so uncharacteristic of me but I guess that's the point of these anonymous confessions. And now that I think about it, I should have written an anonymous 'you are my crush' too, just for the fun of it xD

#AnonymousConfessions 400:
So two and a half years ago, my family moved again. One of my friends was one of those "I need to prove how edgy I am" kind of kids...After we moved, we came back to visit a couple times, and each time, he was worse and worse. I don't really want to go into a lot of detail because I don't want to talk about it even now...But he got into drugs and we finally went to his parents about a month ago. I feel terrible, like this is my fault for not saying anything sooner but I was never super close to him and didn't even know the full extent...


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