670- 677

32 0 1

#AnonymousConfessions 670:
that 666 comment was ...creeppyyyyyyy...@laughingman beware!!!SAVE YOURSELF AI!!!

#AnonymousConfessions 671:
hands holy water to u all

#AnonymousConfessions 672:

#AnonymousConfessions 673:
@laughingman109 aren't you even a little bit curious as to who asked you if you feel depressed or struggled in life?  


#AnonymousConfessions 674:

#AnonymousConfessions 675:

My ex is in the army and wants me to marry him and live on base with him. I have a boyfriend and I love him so much, but a part of me really wants to be with my ex...  

#AnonymousConfessions 676:
@laughingman109 I'm the person who asked about your feelings, and I'm thinking of revealing myself to you in personal chat. But before that, I want you to take 3 guesses as to who I could be on the confessions page. :-)

#AnonymousConfessions 677:
I'm terrified of having real friendships and relationships. I have lived my whole life pretty much secluded from most people, where as a child, my parents chose who I hung out with because I was too shy and anxious to make friends. Now that I'm an adult, I'm terrified of having real, deep relationships because I don't know how to nurture them. What if I screw up? What if I hurt someone or get hurt myself? It's terrifying and I have no idea what to do.

I do have a positive confession though. I'm quite happy with the progress I have been making with my social anxieties. Slowly, I'm learning to not be quite so afraid of talking to people or being in crowds. Every time I sit in my college classroom without having a panic attack, I count that as a success! Every time I can order food for myself without shaking, I feel happy with myself for making progress! Slowly, I'm learning to deal with my anxieties and I'm finding ways to get better. <3

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