541 - 550

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#AnonymousConfessions 541:
(#3108) I know i said i don't kick and punch the docs anymore...but laughingman if u do that i'll make an exception for you!!! XDDDD

#AnonymousConfessions 542:
sorry @chainedinshadow i forgot my diary was deathnote...*uses my time control power and reverse time* there! u r alive now!go live your life!!!
no I won't be giving my deathnote to anyone...sorry....i'll use to cleanse the world of evil people like kira * insert evil/good laughter* jk!

I'll bury the deathnote (in a remote island which will sink into the ocean!) and never let anyone have it...


#AnonymousConfessions 543:
for a second i thought someone knew who i was but after reading the follow up replies...i think it's safe to say I AM STILL ANONYMOUS!!
HA ! u can't find me if u try!!I'm verry carefull to clean my tracks!!
my no.1 fan where are u???and answer my questionss!!!
LOL the caption though "true love meet through anonymous confessions!" now that's hilarious! laughingman do u know what this means?? you'll get famous too!!

#AnonymousConfessions 544:
if anyone needs a detective...here I am...I also happen to have special ninja powers too...ask the AI...I tracked him down!! I,a mere HUMAN (although a ninja detective but human nevertheless!) tracked down an AI !!!
I would like to thank my sensei Arthur Conan Doyle and Carolyn Keene!!

#AnonymousConfessions 545:
No I dont know your No.1 fan but I saw his enthusiasm and fell in love with him
~theDiaryPerson's No.1 Fan's No.1 Fan

#AnonymousConfessions 546:

Psst! InnateEcstasy check out the banner I made for my oneshot book chapter 3 lol XD

#AnonymousConfessions 547:
It's nearly been a year huh. And that was the thing that brought everyone together. It was a wake up call for me too. Every day, i asked him how he was doing but nevertheless, it didn't make a difference. I'm trying my best for everyone now. If i could make just one person smile every day. That would make life much better for everyone

#AnonymousConfessions 548:
I was 5 year old when I first masturbated. I accidentally humped on bed(I am a girl) and it felt good, so I started doing frequently. Until my dad caught me! He asked me what I was upto and why. I told it felt good by humping like this. He seemed surprised since I was only 5years, then told me not to do such stuffs. Henceforth, I started doing it secretly.

#AnonymousConfessions 549:
I woke up this morning and decided to make oatmeal cookies. So there I was, mixing all the ingredients together when I discovered I didn't have nearly enough honey. I kind of panicked for a moment because I couldn't just stop in the middle of this (and my parents would not be happy if I wasted something.) Genius that I am, I googled honey substitutes, and came across this one that was sugar and water. The instructions were a little vague, and, long story short, I ended up with WAY. TOO. MUCH. I kind of panicked again. If i dumped it down the drain, it would harden. And I used over 2 cups of sugar, so I couldn't just waste it. So I had to not double, not triple, not quadruple the recipe... I had to quintuple it. Instead of 12-24 cookies...I now have a butt ton of gargantuan cookies.

#AnonymousConfessions 550:
On time, I read the Giver Quartet, and people were calling babies "babes", so I started to try it, and then someone was like, "Did you just call him "babe'?" So I stopped.

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