Unanonymous Confessions

36 1 9

  i dont even know why i made this confession 


I confess

that I'm the one who wrote

I'm a virgin mary coconut oil 


Well, when I was four, I got into a bad fight with a bully. I bit her arm like a Rottweiler till she bled. She threatened to report me so I did the only thing I could. I bit my arm till the skin ripped off. No joke. I felt like Tom Cruise on a mission and it hurt like hell. I ran up to the teacher, crying my doll eyes out and she got punished badly. We still haven't talked to each other till today. At least, she stopped shoving me around


I helped a friend cheat on an exam when I was little by slipping him a copy of my answers. I ate the answer sheet when we nearly got caught. I even swallowed to ensure our safety. True friendship  



Oh, lest I forget, when I was younger, I used to eat the toothpaste instead of brushing my teeth. I think many folks have done this.  


I was discovering my sexuality when I was a young and very confused teen. Demi-sexuality is rare. I snuck into a boarding house and entered the male hostel. Hold up, don't jump to conclusions. They always have this huge, open bathing area like in high school gym locker rooms but no stalls. Everywhere's open like a field of endless nude males of various colors and figures. I hid in a corner and watched them bathe for twenty or so minutes to find at least one person attractive. Lord, sanctify my soul.  


Okay, another bad deed to confess which I don't regret one bit. I had this classmate who thought she was prettier and would always rub it in my face. She was dating one of the jocks, tall and broad good-looking guy. Typical cliché fools coming together in mutual stupidity. I got tired of her nonsense and got him over to my side, if you know what I mean. Don't judge me. He's a loose person. No, I didn't touch him, my words were enough. He broke up with her to be with me and I rubbed it in her fugly face. Then, I rejected the fool because he used to sing me the ugly song before puberty hit. Those boys who don't understand excess baby fat could equate to nice curves, he's one of them. Of course, he wooed her back after getting turned down and they continued their nonsense. He still calls me up with the hope of hooking up despite my rejections. I don't regret what I did at all.  


I'm on a roll. (^^)(^^). Used to sneak into the kitchen late at night and lick the cocoa powder till I was pretty full. I could finish half of the tin in one go. I blamed it on my brother every single time. Poor child. I was young and my puffy cheeks deceived my parents. Good times. 


This is a weird one. I was little and burnt the end of a clump of my hair off because I heard hair was like rubber. I wanted to find out the truth. It wasn't. It wasn't at all.



A confession triggered by the 'babe' confession. I have this habit of calling people dear or dearie. Also, I treat people how they treat me. Nice, I'll be nice. Rude, I'll be rude. Flirty, I'll be flirty. I give what I get. There was this one guy who was flirty and nice and caring and just sugary in a good way. I treated him the same cause that's my policy. One good turn deserves another. Then, one day, he introduces me to his friend and says I'm his girlfriend. I was sitting there like what the hell, dude? You never even asked me out! Sure, we've been places but I specifically said they weren't dates! Honesty is good so I told him that. He got hysterical. I'm talking grown man waterworks here with the begging and snot. I don't mind guys crying but this was on a whole new level and he said he thought we had been dating for the seven months we had known each other. Whaaaaaat!!! Apparently, when I said this isn't a date, his brain thought I was being shy. There's nothing shy about me, bro. Nothing. Long story short, that's how I had to initiate my first romantic break-up with someone I hadn't even been dating!  


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